6/19/2012 -- Severe Weather Overview -- S. Canada, MN WI MI , Mexico, TX LA AR

Lia's picture

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The storm in the north USA / South Canada is pressing eastward. Producing two very strong outbreaks of severe weather in South Central Canada -- west of Saskatoon and Regina... heading ESE towards the Montana Border.

In Minnesota, North Wisconsin, and North Michigan -- we see damaging winds, hail, and possible tornadoes detected -- moving Eastward.. slightly southeast.

This storm to the north has created a depression or pocket for the flow from the south over the gulf of mexico states --- Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas --- to pull northward towards Oklahoma and Missouri. These cells (further south near TX/LA border) are producing hail -- most likely will produce damaging winds, and maybe even a possible tornado.

All these lines of storms are moving eastward eventually.. storm to the south will pull up over Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Tennessee, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky ...

the storm to the north will pull eastward over Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, south Canada (tornonto) -- then further pulling storms up over Pennsylvania, New York state, new england.

In the far south.. tip of Florida to Puerto Rico -- be alert of the new tropical flow heading your way indefinitely.

Off the SW coast of Mexico.. be alert of the tropical buildup there as well..

Also England/UK should be alert on this tropical storm moving NE in the Atlantic .