Whirling Rainbow Light

StarDancerKat's picture



I have been working with the information from the book “Maka Wicahpi Wicohan- Universal and Spiritual Laws of Creator,” by Chief Golden Light Eagle.  In this work there is a meditation to visualize whirling rainbow light that has all the medicine light force energy needed from the First Creator. Visualize this rainbow light swirling out of every heart you can see, visualize etc.  I put this meditation into practice e every chance I can consciously remember.  Here are some ways that are opening up my days and experience to new beauty.



  1. Recently I have has the opportunity to go to the New Orleans Aquarium and Zoo.  Even had the IMAX experience but I will get to that later.. While enjoying the schools of fish and other exotic underwater creatures I visualize the whirling rainbow light coming from every creature there, swirling swimming reflective rainbows bouncing around the tanks. I also turned this attention to all the human visitors, and boy there were a lot of school groups.  I do not dwell on this image long, just long enough to see its possibility and feel its happiness and I smile.  It made the visit more enjoyable, of course all creatures should have safe beautiful habitats, as the First Creator intended, but I was grateful of all the beauty around me none the less.
  2. During my IMAX experience it was a show on the Reefs that have made a comeback from nuclear test explosions. The sight of the atomic explosions made me sick. I then turned my attention to the rainbow light coming to and from the viewers.  As the movie progressed beautiful scenes of massive underwater communities in the beautiful aquatic kingdom came to life.  When I could remember I visualized all the rainbows coming from hearts swimming, crawling, floating by me.

Work with time and memory with this technique.  We all have in our minds eye our own life story movies that play in our heads. When you are dwelling on the past, visualize all those hearts involved in that memory swirling and whirling out rainbow light.   It has its own healing quality, this technique, you should experience it.

If you must try to think about future events, again just a short focus paying attention to the possibilities if all the love and light of the First Creator has in the rainbow light that flow freely and endlessly from all hearts beating on earth.


Any who: here are some suggestions that are turning up some pretty awesome outcomes with this experience. Sometimes the energies around us can be draining; you have a great solution for one way to build your light.  Just let it shine!

In love and (Whirling Rainbow) Light


