I was reflecting on SaLuSa’s message of June 8, the part where he says: “You are the ones who in all likelihood came to Earth at this special time to offer your love and services to your fellow travelers.”
And I am reminded that in the midst of solar flares and volcanic eruptions and HAARP Rings and IMF scandals and time speeding up and information overload . . . Love is all there is.
And then I roll the tape back 2,000 years and ponder the question to Jesus, “Master, what is the greatest commandment?” And he answered, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. And the second is like unto the first: Love your neighbor as yourself.”
And I am reminded that Love is all there is.
And I reflect on Steve’s writing about Ammachi and the ocean of love that moves around her and washes over everyone who comes into her embrace. And how she offers darshan for 8, 10, 12 hours straight – just being and giving Love to every person.
And I am reminded that Love is all there is.
In these times of epic change, where members of our star families have journeyed far and wide to witness and be with us as we and Mother Earth experience our Ascension, I ask myself, “Why have they come?”
Love. They’ve come because they love us.
As we awaken, and the curtains and veils and illusions are peeled away, and the identities and roles, beliefs and possessions we so cherished are understood for what they are, we realize that the underlying timeless and space-less reality . . . is Love.
Some call it Oneness. Some call it Unity. Some call it God or Pure Awareness. Words are fingers pointing to the Same Reality: Love.
And we realize Love is what we Are. And we get it, we get what Rumi was trying to tell us over 800 years ago:
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.”
The irony? We’re already there. We just don’t know it.
Love is all there is.