If you guys aren't noticing what's going on right now, are the electromagnetic freqency generator machine's that the cabal are using as toys in an attempt to control the electromagnetic frequencies of the planet. This is actually completely impossible ultimately when it comes to controlling the brainwave's of a human being permanently. You literally cannot stop a human being from evolving consciously, no matter how much energy you focus onto them, with your toy's. All the scientific studies about human consciousness, cannot stop us, from evolving our consciousness, and being the love that we are. You want a full scale electro magnetic attach upon humanity ? You got it. Enjoy walking through the great fire of the great revealing of the last showdown we will ever experience forever throughout human history. The one's who are chosen to make is through this, without dropping in into fear and desiring for death, because that's what they currently feel, that seeking death is the only way for them to make it out of this , by all means go for it, however, just because you seek that to fulfill that thought, does not mean , that it will work for you what so ever. I also do not see taking medication's to solve your own internal suffering helping you at all during these changes in the earth's magnetic changes.
I really don't. What i see happening are the being's who depend on the medication for their own personal fixed to their misunderstanding in consciousuness taking place within them, is that they're going to have to continually upgrade their dosage to the medication. this ultimately is not going to solve your misunderstanding of your psychological condition within you. So i see you digging yourself further in a hole that you will inevitably experiencing yourself dying from. I see being's dying left and right, and not all of it being reported, simply because of the fact that they're chosen to be unable to handle these energies that are being integrated into our consciousness right now. They simply identify with their ignorance so deeply by contract, since birth from billions of year's of living live's upon live's through lies and lies and not knowing any better other than to simply obey these lie's and not having known any better because they never had anyone share the truth as it is directly to them. From this, i see mass grave's being formed on this planet, from the planet truth that they're just destined to not make it through this life.
I was just went through that let me into writing about this entire entire, was all my entire consciousness experience, be heightened to such a degree that the only way i could explain it was through pointing at the illuminati's scientific toy's known as haarp. SCALAR wave's , and consciously working with the electromagnetic frequencies with the desire to truly test what we're capable of. This is a family affair you guys. They're also testing their own potential simultaneously, just because they have the knowledge being shared with them about their potential, doesn't mean that they've completely integrated that that understanding from within their own experience. they have have the wisdom being passed down orally , but they still have to be the one's to walk through it and process their consciousness, until they feel all that wisdom, from the inside out.
Yes, we are going to continue to be bombarded with more electromagnetic's on this planet, yes we are going to continue to be lied to and have the truth told to us. Yes we all have to take responsibility for our action's , but the one action's that enlightened being's don't have to choose is catering to your ignorance. It's each and every one of our job's as human being's to take responsibility for our actions together as a family so that we can work together as a family and co create true everlasting peace and happiness on this planet for everyone on and off the planet, forever.