Restoring Mother

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Restoring Mother


God sends forth the Mother into the plane of Mater as Mother to create that time-space continuum, which is the forcefield whereby the Mother may teach her children. As Jesus the Christ inaugurated the era of the divine sonship 2,000 years ago so that all mankind might become sons and daughters of God, so it is the purpose of the coming of the Mother flame that ultimately each man and each woman might revere the body temple as Mother herself, as she provides the place and the temple where Father might be worshiped.

The coming of the Mother is the coming of wisdom and wisdom's rod, which is the discipline of fire–that fire which cuts off the right hand or plucks out the right eye if it offends her. The Mother will not tolerate disobedience in her children; for she knows that in a state of disobedience, they are outside of the consciousness of God and will remain outside of that consciousness until they return to His law. Therefore, the Mother gives Wisdom's understanding of the law that all might come to understand the law through love.

To hallow Mater and each cell of life is the opportunity to raise the feminine ray and expand one's identity as the waters of life freely flowing from the essence of the Mother. That essence is energy in motion that is the abundance of God.

I AM is the Real Self within the secret chamber of the heart and the Mother gives the nurturance and the awareness of Father as I AM THAT I AM. Mother brings first of all the tenderness and the nearness of God whereby you perceive that you are loved in a vast universe and that you are not alone. The sense of aloneness is always dispelled by the Mother's footstep, the tender touch, the caress of the soul. The coming of the Mother proclaims the day of the return to the eternal Home, the Bourn of God. When you think of Mother, you think of Home; and without Mother there is no Home.

Some live and move in this plane wandering on the hillsides, desiring not to tether their consciousness to any place until they have found Mother, until they have found that Home. Some never do because they think Mother is an illusion, maya, that has no reality. God sends forth the Mother in that veil of illusion to allow the unreal conditions as a means whereby those who rebel against the will of the Father might return to him.

Dispelling the reign of the Universal Mother are the illusions of the night portrayed in the horror and the shrieking of the astral realm that appears as the Real. Until you have made the call, the Mother does not know for sure that you actually realize that all of this astral is unreal. Part of the Godhead is the Universal Mother who is Wisdom that comforts the children of God. And so if you desire to have the curtain – the veil that is illusion – parted, call to the Divine Mother. The dissolving of illusion is within the Mother's hand. But you must call. 

The Mother is the listening ear that hears the thoughts, the trials, the worries of her children, that comforts all in the release of the Holy Spirit. When you call to the Mother and she answers, then you will see what the reality of maya is–not an illusion, but Mother flame in all the transcendent, crystal clear waters expanding life. And then man will know that all of the prisms of the atom and of the cells and the molecules are for the refraction of the light of the Mother.
