Conversations With Your Inner Self

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Conversations With Your Inner Self

 by GLR Denize



Now that we achieved our mental chatterings come to a stop and relax within ourselves, we have moved to a next level of experiencing our inner self...SO many of us don't realize how much we are addicted to thinking in our minds...But achieving the NOW takes us into a new and an amazing journey that we have taken advantage of for so long...


Realizing the mind chatterings are ending and feelings are taking the driver seat...we release so much remnants and bubble energies (yes, bubble energies because with the new Light Body Process energies, Carbonbased energies are just seperating themselves from our physical bodies like water seperate itself from oil...because of the new crystilliane energies. Carbon is transforming from our whole beings and new energies bring totally a new level of self...or a New Self. This is not only on a mental level or spiritual's literally shedding the skin out of the "what we were or how we were as a being"...


As we read the updates of emotional changes daily and absorbing it on a mental level...I would like to RE-mind that we are starting a new way of conversating within...within our physical selves...


Breathing takes into the tuning with the outer and inner(mental) & emotional layers of self where we start hearing the nonverbal way of informations...


Today I started to have a conversation with my inner self...very vividly.


When we achived the NOW moment and make this our normal life, it gets so fun to realize the wholeness energy between the creational level of experiencing and what & how has been done before...


We are the creators and we create everything into our lives...When we start to have inner conversations with the Avatar self...the Earth (Hu-man) level of self and bring this Love & Light level of understanding, we are able to experience what you see outside as a reality...We no longer only observing what has been created or what's out there for us to comprehend...We are picking and processing our each moment of creation with our conscious or unconscious momental movements...either with a thought or an image or with an emotion...we create our experiences...


Where there is the NOW moment and we are all there at the level of the “the real connection” (Where we are no more our thoughts and our emotions), we take a new level of experience the SELF. Now we could hear the conversations between our organs...


Organs like your lungs, your ears, your eyes or your heart...Imagine how fun it is to finally be in you and being able to hear the rythym of your own vibrations...Where you can hear what your body is telling you and how can you drive the energy of the whole self from your higher self..What would your stomach like to experience this morning? You can start having a conversation with your body since we are very adaptated beings after spending so much time talking with our minds...How is my body feeling when I am around certain people or places?


Becoming a Love being that what we really are is making us feel more deeply and bringing so much healing energies...So best way to take advantage of this alignments is to co-operate with it...Each day waking up to being that we are all about Love & Light and the rest is illusion brings us into center within...Breathing keeps us out of our own mind chattering and there we are all there for us just pay attention to the beat of our own drums...

Talk to your heart...let it tell you what it wants...Talk to your face and eyes like you are a masterpiece. You are all LOVE having this amazing experince. Be like a little kid who is waiting for a surprise...

What would like to eat? Ask your you are asking politely to a guest in your house...


How would you like feel? Ask your legs...would like to move or would you like to lay down...


Ask your Now moment ...Ask your Mind...How would like to have your next moment of creation?


What would like to experience?...How would you like to respond to _____?


Ask your lips? What would like to say? Do you want to sing? Or Smile?


We are able to erase and delete anything we don't want from ourselves...Just start having inner conversations with yourself...with your whole your chatterings into your inner body...where you create your human experience...


Remember why you choose to experience...Ask your body? Are you ready to Love and Just Be Love?


Our Lights Shining so bright for so much to experience...The New codes are given and adjusted...Choosing the each moment with Love, creating the Love and Just becoming the Love is our destiny and what is unfolding NOW.


Take your 5D driver license, its time to drive on the fantastic road of 5D...


Drive your Light Ship freely and always ask in the name of LOVE...You know what you would receive ;-) …


Drumsssss rolling in my heart....Let the Party Begin ...Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh






