~Love Reporter Gini Grey: Moving into the 5th Dimension of Consciousness~
~The 5th dimension of consciousness is here, are you flowing with it?~
We have been moving out of 3D reality and into the 5th dimension for some time now, but how long will it take for us to collectively make this shift? The more of us that individually touch into this space and ground it into our reality, the easier it will be for the rest of humanity to ride this wave into higher consciousness.
It’s challenging for those of us who move back and forth between these dimensions. When in our own private space we can easily touch into the expansive, peaceful space of non-duality, but when we go out into the world and interact with the mainstream perspective of right and wrong, good and bad, struggle and effort, it can drag our vibration down. And it only takes moving a few notches off center to feel like crap.
So what can we do to continually move higher into the 5th dimension and make it a constant reality? Here’s what I’m playing with these days:
Remember who you are. When I drop down into a body/mind perspective such as focusing on problems, judging situations as bad or wrong, and trying to figure out solutions with my analyzer, I turn inward and remember how big I am as a spiritual being. I feel my connection to the Source of all life, remembering that I am an individual expression of this; I am God too.
Transcend dual perspectives. Living in the 3rd dimension was all about experiencing polarity. It gave us a sense of form through separation. Now it’s time to transcend duality and shift from ‘either/or’ to an ‘and/also’ perspective. We are unique individual beings and part of the one flow of consciousness at the same time. This is not easy for the mind to grasp as it goes beyond the intellect, but it’s our reality from a spiritual perspective. For a helpful exercise, read the article on Transcending Duality.
Let go of processing. In the past, we needed to dig into our doo-doo in order to uncover it, explore it and process it. This helped us to heal and evolve. In this new level of awareness we manifest what we focus on, so it’s more helpful to stay tuned into our higher vibration. It doesn’t mean we deny our issues as that will only repress them further, but that we see them as energy settings which can be transmuted by our higher consciousness. We can shift our energy easily if we choose to.
Stay in touch with higher vibrations. The old paradigm of hard work, effort and struggle is long gone, unless we choose to remain there (but doing so will only cause more suffering). The 5th dimension is filled with ease, amusement, love and appreciation. Simply touching into these states lifts me up into an expanded awareness where anything less than that is a joke. Do whatever it takes to stay amused, move into a spiritual sate of ease, and rise into the flow of love and appreciation.
This is what supports me to move into the 5th dimension of consciousness, what supports you? Would love to hear some specific examples . . .