~LOVE REPORTER BOB GREENWALT~ ~YOU ARE NOT ALONE~ One of the many lessons Brenda and I have learned is the fact that we are not alone on this journey. For many years I personally felt that I was the only person on earth that felt this way and I certainly should never talk to anyone about it. My false ego told me that people would think that I am crazy and all of those other terms that go along with not believing the same as the "majority" of the people believe. Now that Brenda and I have reawakened and found the Truth, we now know that there are millions of people out there that either have reawakened, are reawakening, or will reawaken to this Truth. Because we are no longer afraid to talk about this Truth, we meet people everyday that have found or are searching for the Truth. We believe that many, many people, after they read what is written will know in their gut that this is the Truth. So know in your heart and your mind that you are not alone. Know that Mother God and Father God are within you all of the time and all they want you to do is love them, love yourself, and love others. All you have to do is open yourself up to them and ask them to come to you and they will come. So not only are you not alone as far as what you believe and feel, you are not alone and separated from Mother God And Father God. Once you let your soul control your heart and mind and no longer allow your false ego that you have built up over the years control your heart and mind then you will know this Truth. Your false ego is all of the fears, guilt, and beliefs that have been drummed into our minds over the years of living on this earth plane. Almost everything that we have been taught in this life has been through a negative conotation. You built this false ego to protect yourself so that you wouldn't get hurt mentally or physically. Your false ego tells you that you are in this world and of this world, where your soul knows the Truth that you are in this world but not of this world. There is a wonderful feeling that comes into your life when you realize that you are not alone. You will meet people that have a greater understanding of what you believe and how you feel. They will help you gain a greater knowledge of why you believe as you do and why you feel the way you do. Your struggles in life will have less of a negative effect on you and your spiritual growth will come more quickly to you