Welcome beloveds, we are here to guide and support you through all the changes that are happening within you and therefore around you. Many of you now are moving into your TRUE essence, we acknowledge how difficult this is for many of you and we send blessings to you as you move through this. Many of you will be reading our words and realise that you are doing what you are here to do. That is to BE.
We acknowledge that for many our words are encouragement but also for many our words, read in the illusion, will appear to be the way to “strive for”. We guide you strongly to be aware of illusion in reading our words. Illusion will try to interpret our words for you, if you read our words from a very logical mind then it may be that illusion will try to make you feel that you are somehow “not there”, that somehow this way of BEing is just out of your grasp.
We guide you strongly to release this view, we guide you to process all of our words through your heart centre. There is no “striving” involved in the process that you all go through, there is no “achieving” in the definition of the word. Each one of you incarnated here in this human life time to experience this human journey. YOU CANNOT FAIL TO DO WHAT YOU CAME HERE TO DO. We appreciate that our words are in capitals, but this is truth. Many of you do not acknowledge the power that you ALREADY HAVE within you. For many you are still looking at the world around you through the eyes of illusion. There is a “need” within many of you to gain qualifications before you can do, there is a “need” to have spent linear years doing something to be “qualified” in doing it. We guide you to re read these words, how can you fail to qualify at who you are? Who sits in judgement of YOU and says YOU cannot be YOU?
We guide you most strongly that this is one of the main tools of illusion, the seeds of fear and anxiety are planted deeply and many humans across the planet now allow others to define them. We guide once more dear ones that to define is to LIMIT. Human BEings are limitless, whilst you continue to allow others to define you then you limit yourself, if you let yourself define you then again you put in a boundary where in reality there is none. Do our words resonate with you dear ones? Do you see how this works? How illusion has you boxing yourselves in with thoughts and definitions of something that in truth CANNOT be defined.
Many lightworkers across the planet look and compare themselves to others around themselves, many lightworkers do not acknowledge that they even are lightworkers. Many of you begin to work with the energy that IS and that you ARE and then abdicate responsibility, continuing to believe that they are not good enough, they do not have enough experience etc etc. How can you not have enough experience of BEing? YOU ARE, therefore you are experienced at YOU. Do our words resonate?
We fully appreciate how difficult it may be for many of you to fully grasp the meaning of the concept of AM at this point in your life journey. Do not force the meaning dear ones, do not attempt to define something that has to filter through to your truth. This process is personal to each one of you, YOU are personal to YOU. The illusion will try to make you believe that what is happening is to others around you, that is not so dear ones, that is illusion, remember there is nothing outside of you that is not YOU. We are YOU and YOU are we. Let the words sit within your energy field and allow your heart centre to process them for you.
Too many will seek to find logic in our words and logically process all the guidance and support we offer at this time, we guide that this is illusion taking you away from your power. The heart must process all in this “new” age, for the heart is where your soul resides, your truth, all reside in the heart. The planet earth is mind centred, it has shifted away from the heart and this is illusion dear ones, having you believe that it is impossible to move back to heart centre. We guide you once more to process this concept. HEART CENTRED is possible because HEART CENTRED IS. All comes from love, love IS.
Please do not define love dear ones, for LOVE IS. To define is to limit. When you turn to another and state that you love them, please allow that love to BE. Allow the definition to float off, for define love is to limit all who are contracted into that love. Allow your children to BE, not who you define them as, not as who society defines them as, just allow them to BE. The children who are incarnating across the planet at this time are more fully in their hearts than previous generations who have incarnated. This has resulted in a change to the way that these children are “parented”, the role of a parent has been redefined and redefined constantly. Many in a parental role as now more confused than ever as illusion has them believe that their children are this or that. In truth their children just ARE. They cannot not be.
When your children speak THEIR truth to you, listen to the truth, allow it to be processed by your hearts and watch as your world transforms and you allow more love to flow between you. When you look at your children and you define them you mold them. No one is here to mold anyone else, you are all here to BE. Do our words resonate with you dear ones, do you understand our meanings?
At any one point across the planet the “teachers” are the “pupils” and the “pupils” are the “teachers”. Many across the planet believe that they have nothing to learn from a “younger” generation. Look again dear ones and realise that many children are closer to their heart centres than the adults around them. Learn how to BE by looking at your children and listening to them. They are here for a reason as you are here for a reason, to experience the human life journey. Many adults are trained to believe that children should be taught and that the information exchange is one way, we guide you to see illusion at work. Many in the “parental” role are in so much fear that they cannot look at their children without being triggered by those very fears. The strain and stress created by this scenario will keep your vibration low and firmly held in illusion.
Families are not families if they are defined dear ones, families come in all guises. The illusion has you believe that a family unit is comprised of two adults and children, thereby separating that which in truth is not separate. WE ARE ONE. This concept is, we acknowledge, difficult for many to accept and process at this time. The children of planet earth are OUR children, they are children of the universe, as you are children of the universe. WE ARE ONE. Let us use a scenario to help you understand our words dear ones. Many across the planet look to children outside of their family unit and compare, many look outside the family unit and judge. As all struggle to conform to what a “happy family” are, more are stressed and struggling. In truth dear ones there is no such thing, family cannot be defined any more than you can be defined. Definitions LIMIT.
We are all aspects of each other, we are all at different points on our life journey and will continue the journey if needs to be to other worlds, other dimensions and other realities. WE ARE ONE. There is in truth no separation other than that that is created within the human mind. Illusion will seek to keep the human mind in turmoil, to use smoke and mirrors and have you believe that everywhere you look there is division. You are bombarded by illusion with everything that you do. You divide at every turn, separating those who have the same interests into groups that are nothing like other groups of similar interests. You spend endless amounts of energy trying to prove to the group with a dissimilar interest that you are correct. In truth BOTH groups are correct as they just ARE. It is the human mind that creates the illusion that there is any difference between the two. Both parties in the scenario of a disagreement are correct, that cannot not be as the scenario that created the disagreement just is, it is the perception of the parties involved that creates the illusion that both play in to. Do our words resonate with you dear ones? Do you see how YOU create the division within your daily life?
There is no wrong and right there just IS. There is not black and white there just IS in each and every part of the human life journey. Many fall into illusion when the seeds of fear are triggered and world events at this point in time are seeking to continue to push these buttons. As many are sidetracked with lots of apparent “disasters” then it can be very easy to react as trained and not as truth. Do you see where our words go dear ones? Do you see how reaction to a “disaster” to a “drama” will reinforce said drama or disaster and not move to clear it? Whilst you divide you limit and you work with illusion. Illusion is a master of smoke and mirrors if dealt with by the logical mind, the illusion is defenceless when processed with the heart.
The more that changes the more illusion is involved, truth will stay dear ones. As things shift and flux within your life as you begin to move into creation and not reaction then you will begin to see the patterns of truth. Focus not on what moves and changes rather focus on what just IS. This is your truth dear ones. Many search high and wide for truth that is contained within their BEing. Each one of you contains truth, energy that could be used to create is used to search, this is disempowering dear ones, do you see how the illusion uses your mind against you?
Clearing of the heart centre is the way to truth dear ones. Love, compassion and truth will help to dissolve the veil of illusion that operates around you. Use it dear ones to uncover what you are seeking for. It is not beyond you it is WITHIN you dear ones, your truth is within you.
We step back now to allow you to absorb our words and process. Allow yourself the time and space to process the guidance that we offer. It is not to be “strived for” , it just IS. If you need to come back to our words in days, weeks, months then so be it. Do not add pressure and trigger seeds within yourself that create illusion and frustration. Allow the words to BE, allow yourself to BE. It is so much easier than your minds will allow you to believe. You ARE you. Therefore what you need for you is within you. Frustration takes you away from truth, love, trust and faith accompany you toward truth. Know that when illusion is at work there is frustration within you. Dissolve the frustration with truth and love.
We are the high council of orion, we are here for each and every one of you to connect to. We are your brothers and sisters for what you call the stars. WE ARE YOU and you are we. WE ARE ONE. Trust, faith and love dear ones. Begin to get to know them and you will begin to find YOU. We send much love and blessings from our hearts to yours. Until we guide you again we send you the vibration of peace and harmony and we guide you to begin to TRUST yourself.