Who are you... really? Shootings, Mind-Control, and a Hard Look at Responsibility

Galactic Diplomat Arianna Napoli's picture

The Iron age we are now coming out of is now being shown for what it has always been. We are enduring great heartache in the wake of wars, the banishment of women, and seemingly random massacres carried out by specifically programmed persons acting under directions placed in a small compartment inside their brains. Imagine, a tiny box with no shiny wrapping, no bows, no lights sitting silently in the corner of someone's mind: unnoticed, unseen, unacknowledged. In fact, if one stumbled upon it walking through the long corridors of a hallway lined by doors, each opening to another hallway lined by more doors, one might simply take it for part of the landscape. If not-- if you are the kind of person who knows that when you stub your toe you should pay more attention, you might try to open it, but it appears to have no seam. No tape. No opening. Maybe it really is just a part of the landscape. There's not even a keyhole.

Say then that the owner of this brain, this massive unexplored hotel sits down to watch the news, and sees a commercial for a new movie premier. The movie is destined to be a blockbuster, and has unusual characters who border on the supernatural in their capacity for goodness or evil, they carry objects that have long since been impressed with meaning deep in the subconscious mind, and they use phrases that seem consciously cliched but all that means is that you've heard it before. Many times. Because it's "true?"

Well, who knew it? The seamless silent box did have a key hole. A sound- perhaps the very same sound playing faintly in the background of a movie premier or a commercial. A sound with an image. I could be more specific than this but do not want to risk triggering anyone who might have programs intertwined with some of these I might discuss. As it turns out, the box is a program: it is opened by a "trigger" and like a computer virus, it takes over. It's instruction sets activates other elements of the mind (knowledge, skills, abilities one may or may not know one has) and an agenda is carried out. The victim of the programming is left horrified and bewildered in the wake of the evidence of what they have done, if he or she survives.

People who are specifically programmed are done so with the aid of drugs, torture, and sexual abuse. In my own quest for freedom I discovered deeply dis-settling memories stored in my body and sub-conscious mind that were accompanied by waves of electric shocks throwing me to the floor as a small child. I remember sharp and sudden shooting pains across my forehead that made me scream. I remember the men in black. I remembered being tied up. I remembered staring into a light while a man spoke to me. I remembered being put in front of a screen with many flashing pictures on it. I remembered to get small and be terrified.

Then I remembered who I was and that I knew how to take this stuff out of myself!

This is only now becoming common knowledge news for alternative media, and has previously been relegated to the realm of so-called "conspiracy theorists." These horrific tragedies are revealing to the masses the mind control programing that has been being used for everything from getting you to buy the newest gadget to carrying out holocausts such as those that took place in Rwanda. Let us take a moment and reach into our divine centers to summon the courage to speak out, feel and send love for those who have been sacrificed, and have gratitude for those who volunteered to play the roles in this play that increase awareness all over the planet.

You see, it didn't have to be this way. The Universe is a very precisely constructed model, and it does not make mistakes. The matrix (the veil) of earth is built to operate under certain laws. They are universal, they are mathematical, and they are entirely accurate all the time. Our world was designed to be a reflection of us. And it is. When we become enmeshed in lives that do not honor who we really are, that do not allow us the time or energy to explore and express ourselves, we stop noticing. We don't notice that there are signposts everywhere, in everything (quite literally) and we are shocked when we get "blindsided" by one of our programs.

Now, you may have not been specifically programmed by black-ops, but you are bombarded every single day with programming. It starts before you are born with your dna, your mother's thoughts and feelings in the womb, the presence or lack thereof of your father, his feelings, his emotions, whether or not he is still having sexual relations with your mother once your soul has entered her womb, and whether or not your body is formed during such acts. Then you're born. If you're born in fearful conditions wherein, for instance you are greeted by a giant metal claw that rips you from your mothers birthing canal and thrusts you into fluorescent lights where you are soon injected with something before being placed in your mothers arms. She, in such a circumstance is likely to have been injected with many things from the beginning of her labor until the present moment, and you can feel her lack of presence. Welcome to Earth! Then, early childhood begins and you start to learn from all the people around you (also programmed) and you internalize their beliefs about you, about life, about love, about money, about country and about God by the time you're seven.  And don't get me started on the Rothchildean funded drone program factories we call schools in the united states corp. Congratulations, you are now set-up for the goals of your God-mind!

As we go through life, we are constantly being bombarded with messages, very few of which we process consciously. Television literally induces a light trance state within thirty seconds, after which you are quite likely to let opinions on products, governments/corporations, people, religion, and money slip quietly into the vast filing cabinet of your subconscious as you nosh on those genetically-modified corn chips.On your drive to work you see many billboards, logos, slogans, restaurant and shopping signs that your brain registers even while you listen to pop radio dj's talking about some drivel that puts your attention on alcohol, a petty squabble, or having fun at the expense of others in between playing music that is encoded with messages (sounds) you cannot hear or interpret with your conscious mind.

The tragedies that have manifested which serve the purpose of mirroring to us that we have all been duped, that our minds are not thinking our own thoughts would not happen in the matrix if everyone noticed. What a terrible wake-up call. Let us honor these beloved souls who have been the mirrors of the collective by noticing! Let us take this as a cue to take command of our minds back! Unplug. Explore. Re-program. Re-Wire.

My Galactic Selves and I AM Presence have enabled me to deprogram myself using combinations of sounds that unwind these Pandorian knots and other negative energies. Look inside. Reclaim your Selves. Does humanity need any more brutal wake-up calls? What if you were one of the people directly affected by an event like the recent shootings? Would you pay attention then?

It doesn't have to be this way. We are awakening to our true and divine selves. A self that knows all the answers already and doesn't need an authority to educate it. A self that feels beneath no one in the world. A self that does not need to be above anyone, either. A self that creates like a god. A self that lives in Divine Sovereignty. A self that needs no governance. A self that is truth and love embodied. A self that only does that which brings it joy. A self whose only joy is love. Imagine, a world of such beings. Who are you... really?

With great love and the utmost respect,

Arianna Napoli

Galactic Diplomat

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Very well written...

Demitra M. N.'s picture

You most definitely have your finger on the pulse of this virtual r.E.a.L.i.T.y in which we find ourselves in. Good to know that some people out there are able to put one and one together and come up with two.