Welcome beloveds we are the high council of orion and we are here to guide and support you at this time. Many of you are struggling with the new energies as you try to work out how to live with a higher vibration whilst being surrounded by many who are still asleep and at a lower vibration. Many of you swing between various vibrations and the result is that many of you feel awful and have various symptoms whilst it is possible to maintain a high vibration at all times.
We guide that illusion is waning, the heightened vibration of many across the planet is causing the illusion to waiver, in some places it has disappeared with many now being able to see clearly how the planet is kept in fear and seeing through the veils. However in other parts of human society the veils are still in place and we guide you strongly to detach from the dramas as a way of moving through the veils.
Much drama is being created around many of you whether this be from a personal family point of view or a much wider point of view. Many of you may feel as if you go around in circles going from one drama to another and wondering if things will ever get any better. We guide you strongly that illusion is at play and detaching and viewing the drama for what it is will help you move through it.
Drama amongst humans is always triggered by fears that have lain dormant within the humans concerned. The more indepth the drama the deeper the fear and the more seeds of fear that there is within the energy system of said humans. For many across the planet fall into drama before they realise what it is that they do. The way out of drama is to realise what it is and why it occurs. Many humans are now being triggered by the illusion into believing that this is it, their lives have not miraculously changed and that the symptoms they experienced over the past few months were actually down to a virus and not ascension symptoms or clearing of their energies.
We guide you to process these words through your hearts and see how they make you FEEL. Do you truly believe that you went through all the chaos and symptoms only because you pick up a bug ? Does that sit well with you dear ones? Do you feel that the energies were real and that they helped you to clear out the debris that was stored within your heart? This is how to move past illusion dear ones, to process all information with your heart at all times.
Vibration is the key to holding and maintaining the new age at this time. The new age as we have guided is here, the veils have been torn down and humans are now able to experience much more than ever before but this means they must heighten their vibration. Many will understand how they feel when meditating or experiencing healing and how open and free they feel at that time, it is possible to feel this way daily. Perhaps many of you wer unaware that the heightened vibration you achieve during meditation is one that you can hold on to at all times.
As everything on earth is a vibration it is important that to move through the life experience and to create that you maintain the high vibration whilst creating, to have a lower vibration makes it more difficult for the creation come into form. Many of you across the planet are what is termed “dreamers”, this means that many of you can vividly imagine, the power behind this is enormous and we guide that if you are a “dreamer” to be more aware of your vibration in your daily life. Illusion may seek to pull you back down in vibration and your creation may not be what you imagined it to be.
Affirmations dear ones are a way to heighten and maintain your vibration on a daily basis, for so long the human mind has been stuck in the “negative” that many of you find it difficult not to allow negative thoughts to fleet across your mind on waking. We guide you to connect to your guides or to us and to ask for an affirmation that will help you at this time. Repeat this affirmation daily on waking and before retiring to sleep.
We guide that this is a powerful use of words, words carry a vibration and we guide you to be aware of the vibration contained within them. This is another reason that we guide you to detach from the media, the use of strong, negative words is rife within the media and it is done to help lower your vibration and thus pull you back into illusion. Be careful dear ones with the words that you use with another, the vibration of words is strong.
Many of you have questioned our guidance based on information that many have read about our civilisation and we would like to answer directly these questions. Many of you have been given the information that we are a violent race and that much violence and hatred was spilled across our civilisation. We guide that we are aware of this information across planet earth and we guide you to process all the information that is available about every different planet through your hearts. The illusion does not stop at planet earth dear ones, for the illusion is aware of the help that many of you receive from “off planet”. There is a whole universe of support dear ones that many of you have access to and many have access through other humans. It would make no sense for a violent civilisation to pretend to help when in reality they are not.
We guide you to process all of our guidance through your hearts. Much disinformation has been disseminated across the planet about various other worlds and we guide you to look at why this would be. Illusion is strong dear ones, the universe is so vast that the human mind could not possibly be able to take all of it in. Slowly you are expanding and the depth of expansion is only possible because of the speed of expansion. Many would struggle if the speed was much faster dear ones. For so long the human race has been kept in the dark, the truth hidden from them that it would be unfair to reveal the true depth of this truth all at once.
Many of you struggle now with others who are asleep and try to reason with them as to why your truth is just that. Can you understand dear ones what would happen to the human race in general if all truth was revealed in one fell swoop? Such is the depth of illusion and the length of the period of illusion that is not possible dear ones. We ask for your trust and faith but we also guide the processing of our words. To help maintain the truth you must discern your truth. For too long words have been used to create mysteries across the planet, these mysteries keep the human brain occupied and of course leads the human away from the heart.
We are here to guide you back to your hearts dear ones. The heart is where love resides. Once more we guide that there is too much logic, too much working out with the head that is set in place across the planet and we ask the question why? What would be the purpose of keeping the human race asking and searching if it was not to distract and waylay them?
All civilisations at some point have had to work through darkness dear ones, without the dark there can be no light and without the light there can be no dark. If you look to the sky you would not be able to see the stars shine so brightly if you did not have the darkness of the night sky to illuminate them. Do you see our analogy dear ones? The dark and the light just are. Many civilisations took power to the extreme, on earth this is happening and has happened in past histories. It is learning from this that will move you to your heart centre, the realisation that fear does not solve anything and serves no one.
We guide you to process ALL communications with ALL other worlds in the way you process our words, the truth will be revealed at the speed that you can absorb it dear ones. It would serve no one to end the human race by revealing that which the human race could not absorb. We do not wish to spread fear only to make the point that there is so much that humans have been kept from. It is a process of reconnecting and living from the heart, this is the access to all that has been kept from you. As you move through your heart and reconnect with all that IS you are more aware of the depth of truth.
The process is a personal one for each human alive across planet earth. There is no “one size fits all” in this process as each life experience is so unique. Please dear ones do not rush forward without a thought and only a yearning to know more and more. A solid foundation of the truth is needed for you to move to the next level of truth and so on. Do you understand our words dear ones? Can you see how you hold yourselves back by rushing forward ?
Illusion teaches that life must be lived at an ever increasing pace, this is done to destabilise you dear ones, a human who begins to reveal truth to themselves is unstable until the truth is solid within their hearts, until they are fully immersed in the truth and feel the truth. Up until that point they can be destabilised, they can swayed by illusion, be aware of this dear ones.
We step back now to allow you to absorb our words, please process them through your heart. The next few months will see the energies begin to settle within your energy system. Allow the changes that are occurring to begin to settle dear ones. Detach from any drama that springs up around you and move to the heart. You will be amazed at the changes and you will see your lives transform before your very eyes. We are the high council of orion and we are here to guide and support you at this time of vast change across the planet earth. We love you dear ones, and send you much love and blessings as you begin your journey back to truth. Look to the stars dear ones and FEEL the support that resides there, we are you and you are we, for WE ARE ONE.
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