I remember when I first “woke up” to the reality that my reality was not real. That is to say, when I started to discover the world of spirit within myself via meditation. I kept asking God to show me how everything became created. In my innocence, I really meant show me how this earth began, I never thought beyond earth. I asked many times over the course of several years, then out of the clear blue, in a wonderful meditation in 2004… I was shown. It wasn’t until this week, did I really even understand what it all meant to us. Actually, I didn’t think it had any meaning what so ever. Man was I wrong!
In my bathtub in Rupert Idaho, I simply stated “show me what I need to know.” I arrived in vast darkness. There was nothing I could see, yet, that darkness was filled with feeling. A feeling I have no words to describe, let me just say, it was incredibly good in feeling.
Then I felt this tremendous feeling start to vibrate faster and faster until it seemed to explode in an amazing array of color. The colors emerged as if connected to a pin-wheel. Each color had an individual feeling of its own. Again, not thinking this was really important to our journey, I didn’t write any of it down. Over the years, I have forgotten what each color felt like. But one color was filled with joy, another, love, another grace and so on. It was so magnificent to see and feel and be present within.
During this wonderful explosion of color and feeling did I begin to receive the understanding of what it was I was in the midst of experiencing… God individuating Himself into what is now the multi-verse of creation.
I knew I was given a gift. But, as I said, until this week, I never seen it as anything more than God (finally) answering one of my desires. I suppose, hidden deep within that gift was an understanding my consciousness couldn’t even tap into. …until now.
Ascension – Moving into the higher realms of vibratory space.
I don’t think any of us really have a true clue what the fullness of ascension really is. We have idea’s, vague memories, lots of channeled information… but, I have come to learn that it is truly the walk… the becoming and emergence that really starts to give a clear picture of what this means to us…. to humanity.
In March of this year (2011) I moved out onto the desert of New Mexico. I rented a single wide trailer that, as my daughter refered to it, became my sand castle in my sand box. There was no electricity, no running water… I can’t tell you why I choose to move out of my comfy home with my really good friend, but, that is the story of my entire path. I never know why.
The moment I moved in, my entire electrical field started to vibrate with such intensity I thought I would explode. Kundalini filled every space of every cell. There was no way of even unpacking from the shear glory of my vibrating body. I should have known (but didn’t) that was a huge body flare that I was moving into yet another higher octave of the vibratory space we call ascension. truly… I was clueless.
The very next day when I awoke, I no longer felt singular in my body. It was as if when I blinked, someone or something was inside of me, experiencing the blinking with me. And then the feeling started to flow out of each pore of my skin… that feeling of overwhelming gratitude. I was so grateful for every little thing that I would just well up and cry. I knew something was changing inside of me. I never felt like this before. I never felt the constant companion within myself before… not like this.
Weeks would go by and that immense feeling of gratitude was so constant, and became aware that which was inside of me was my soul. It was the Love of God inhabiting my full cellular structure.
As I became constant with that feeling of Gratitude, next came this feeling I can only describe as love. It was very much like fully and utterly falling in love with everything my eyes laid upon. My computer, my floor, my coffee cup, the air itself, the desert… there was nothing that escaped the flood of love that flowed from me.
And then the two become one. I was so filled with a gratitude of love that became inseparable. When one feeling vibrated the other naturally joined the chorus. The two because one and became inseparable.
Now I understand why I had to retreat from the world around me. It was emotionally debilitating to feel this. Not in a bad way at all… but I needed to withdraw so I could expand. And I did.
I stayed on the Mesa (dessert) for 3 months until a deep inner prompting said it was time to start my journey back to Virginia (something I would have never ever expected or foreseen in all my world). I decided to move back to my friend’s home to prepare for the last 6 weeks of time in New Mexico.
In putting myself back into the field of people and energies that were not souly mine, more of these intense vibrations started to fill me, one by one. The love of humanity is a transformation of energy I will never forget. I am not even sure I can put into words what this means in its full breadth. To be able to look in the eyes of anyone and know their soul, to feel their soul… a oneness that is beyond my verbal ability to describe. Within that feeling tho, there comes a double-edged sword, I can also feel how lost someone is in relationship to their amazingness within. But also, how close to that door of full discovery they are as well.
Every psychic sence I have within me has been ramped up 100 fold since March. I have been called a Pollyanna before, and I think you may find me to be a Pollyanna to the 100th degree now. I am able to see every positive situation in what we humans could see as a destructive event or situation.
I have come to really understand that Ascension is not a singular event, but an evolutionary path of vibratory advancement. You can only get to the next level when you mastered the level of vibration you are currently on… and only YOU can achieve that within you.
So I share all that to share this… we are all moving back into the wholeness of whence we came. Each strand of uninhibited (by negativity) individuated feeling desires to be felt in you, but become a constant companion within you 24/7. Each strand you integrate moves into a oneness within you. A fullness beyond our human comprehension. Somethings must be felt/experienced to be understood.
One another thing I do want to mention as I turn this blog into a mini-novel (smile).. is what June was really about. I wrote a lot about the “Separation of the Red Sea” and now, this week, I was able to see what that really means within the human body.
Lets just take a look at the term “red sea” man I so didn’t get it at all, well not like this. Red is the root chakra, our connection to physical life. We live within a sea of matter, a sea of illusion that this matter…. matters. It doesn’t.
A sea is also water… emotions. High vibrating emotions and low vibrating emotions. Duality has started in earnest… to separate itself (even it is an active player in this game.) To move away from the low vibrating energies (fear, greed, blame, and so on) and towards the higher vibrating energies (love, unity, gratitude and so on.) What I have been able to see on my massage table is humbling really.
On July 3rd I had a young lady (who has been my client for some time) come in for her last session with me. My God her field of energy was breathtaking. Filled with Light, potential, vibrancy that I have never seen in the 10 years I have been connecting to energy fields. Laying upon her sacral chakra (just below her belly button) was this embryonic filled egg-shaped thingie. As big as a goose egg, filled with the purest radiant energy I have ever felt. As soon as I asked her spiritual team… what is that, I suddenly remembered that July represents the birth of our energy into one of two spaces… fluid potential or recreating an old energy cycle to choose again). Her team kept telling her there is nothing more she needs to do now, just keep walking forward and she will connecting with the greatest expression of her life…
I had to ask her what she had done differently since the last time I had seen her… her energy field looked nothing like this before, yet, within a month it all changed. She let go of a lot of things… relationships, anger… transmuted into a positive event(s) in her life. It was humbling. There was no anger, no blame, nothing but the feeling of freedom inside of her.
And then the next day, came its opposite to my table. A man I had seen for close to the last year. Quite the contrast. His field of energy was bound by what I can only describe a tightly fitting fishing net. He was trapped in his own belief system. And then I seen his spiritual team cutting his binding from the ground up about 6 inches. I understood they were helping his physical reality to become free, setting in motion events that will allow him to choose again, choose differently this time. When I seen his sacral chakra, I was so surprised. It was as if a fire had burned and all that was left was a “cleared debris field” (that was his spiritual teams words for my question… what does that represent).
The debris is what keeps us limited… small… self-serving. It must be cleared and rebuilt.
His team also said something I never knew, should have… but didn’t (smile). They can rearrange our world, create experiences and events to surround our matter filled reality (affect the lower two chakras… root and sacral, and partly the solar plexus)… but only we can truly activate the upper chakras (the upper part of the solar plexus, heart, throat and so on). It is our responsibility to turn towards love, hope, joy, service beyond ourself… and that is the game we are deep into playing.
And it has really just begun in fullness. Now I am going to end this with a question of my own… to no one really.
Last night as I got out my pendulum and asked Archangel Michael to give me a message… his message was “The East Coast needs you.” I was baffled really and asked… why… he simply said “You’ll see.” Hmmmm perhaps it was You’ll Sea.
With the deepest of gratitude to all who play this game of life with us. You are loved so deeply much… more than you can imagine!!
Lisa Gawlas
Personal Website: http://www.mysoulcenter.com
The Shift of Time and Energy: http://www.lisagawlas.wordpress.com