~Why the Truth? A Conversation with Ascended Master Hilarion~
July 05, 2011
Dear Children of the Light it is wonderful to be able to speak through this vessel today. Truth! What is Truth? What is truth for her, for you, for him for your neighbour and for another is easily and possibly different.
I come today to speak on truth. For the past few years, more and more have awakened to what they perceive as a new truth of their existance and where they possibly are going. This is wonderful to see. So many questions. So much eagerness!
Absolute truth is simple, its what it is. The truth as you discover does not need to be defended or discussed or even questioned. It is only human to do all these. Dear ones; "Do you question if your left hand is truthful to the right hand? Not likely. You accept that it is. Simple.
There are points in your life that you will discover that you believed to have been true, actually turn out with a few exaggerations of the truth. As you move more and more into the light and into your Chris Consciouness you will become more aware of what is really true. What is truth is not always what is on the outside, its what is inside. Some truths that are being discovered goes far back from another time and era. And you wonder; "Why does that bother me now?" We are to move from the past and embrace the future. There are valuable lessons from the past that can be used in the present and future dear children.
As you discover a hidden truth, and feel an 'ah' going off in your head, at that moment, you can't help yourself, you begin to connect certain dots to where that hidden truth fits in other aspects of your life.
There are a lot of truths emerging lately, and I know, for I have watched you read over all the stories from the news, videos, articles, and all that catches your 'new eyes'. What you see on the news, you already know is an exaggerated truth. With that, you must take a far look at what you are viewing and listening to, and with your divine instincts pick the parts that ring truth to you.
The Masters, such as myself, and other beings of light are reaching to others such as this vessel more often as you are seeing an increase of messages now that the changes we have talked about are approaching. One of the reasons for so many reasons, is quite simple. Not everyone resonates at the same level with the same channeler or message. The exact same message can be delivered through another vessel but done in a different way and will resonate different again. That is why there are more messages, so we can reach more of YOU.
As I end this beautiful discussion on truth, don't be so hard on yourselves. Discovering the truth in your own lives can be very difficult. This requires great empathy towards yourself and to others.
Allow me to envelope you in a beautiful embrace of my light. If you are able to see, vision the most beautiful jade green, and allow yourself to feel the healing energy that is incorporated with this light. I love you dearest children. Know I am always near, only need to call for me and I will listen and guide you.
And so it is...Hilarion