Greetings from Galactic Heart . . . Clarification On Last Update from Sheldon

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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

Today I received a telephone call from a PAO member. After reading this week's update, he wanted clarification. What did it mean: our many responsibilities, resume our sacred service, introducing you to the duties of full consciousness and your many responsibilities. What responsibilities?

Here's the quotes from the update:

Our reunion with you will bring you to the very brink of full consciousness, by allowing you to see just how easy it is to make the final move into your natural state of existence. Once whole again, you can resume your sacred service as Gaia's faithful mentors, thereby reestablishing a pledge we humans made to her nearly 900,000 years ago. Indeed, this mentorship includes the overseeing of your entire solar system. Resuming your divine service includes reunion with your Inner Earth family and meeting a great many non-corporal Beings who have come from throughout this solar system and who have been carrying out those tasks that you are about to take on again.

This history forms part of a huge process of reconnecting you to your special origins, and then, introducing you to the duties of full consciousness and your many responsibilities to this part of physicality.

In a nutshell, before becoming fully conscious Beings, but after the new interim governments and the new technologies are released, we will be responsible for cleaning up Gaia's waters, air and land. We will also have the task of assisting people as they wake up. We are to be centered, beacons of Light as the Truth of our past is revealed, as the new banking system comes on line and the introduction of our galactic neighbors (disclosure) takes place. And this is just a few of our responsibilities we will be taking on.

After our ascension, because we are electro-magnet Beings and all the planets of our solar system are electro-gravitic Beings, we need each other so we work in tandem to keep the balance for all living things within our solar system. We work with the devas, planetary Spiritual Hierarchies and Galactic councils in maintaining the many grids of the planets. Through different types of ritual at the physical grid's nodal points, we maintain Gaia's biosphere and Light grids.

Sheldan's youtube video, Planetary Light Grids, does an excellent job in explaining Gaia's (and all planets) many Light grids and how they function. This video is a preview from his archived webinar Shaping Earth's Divine Blueprint.

Hope you found this of value.
Selamat Ja!

