Medea Benjamin and Code Pink Protest the RNC in Tampa

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The Daily Beast

Aug 28, 2012, by

Spunky Code Pink cofounder Medea Benjamin dishes to Lynn Waddell on the Republican National Convention protest scene in Tampa—and why her antiwar group started wearing vagina costumes.

Republican Convention Protst

Police Chief Jane Castor speaks to reporters as Code Pink protesters hold signs behind her on Monday in Tampa. (Dave Martin / AP Photo)

Political activist Medea Benjamin has spent more than 30 years fighting for peace and social justice around the globe. In addition to Code Pink, she cofounded the international human-rights organization Global Exchange and was one of 1,000 women who were collectively nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in 2005. She has authored eight books and previously worked as an economist and nutritionist with the United Nations and World Health Organization.

How does this measure up to past conventions as an activist?

I’ve been to the 2000, 2004, and 2008 conventions. I would say there are fewer protesters and more security. There are more police than protesters.

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