Truth or Consequences

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Truth or Consequences

by Beverly J. Thompson



Two days ago I channeled the following message. I have been channeling for about 15 years and now have a website with many messages posted. Included are some articles written and channeled by my late husband, Rick Thompson who suddenly transitioned this past April, as well as by myself and friends. One article I feel is most interesting is on the Astral Realm that includes messages from Rick and Sanat Kumara.


I also have channeled a series of three books called "Mystery of the Universes" which I feel contain phenomenal information. The best place to read what these books are about, go to Amazon where you will find the table of contents as well as excerpts from the books -


August 28, 2012

My dear friends,


We come together this day to celebrate, to celebrate the coming of this age. It, indeed, is an age of awareness. To be aware is to be in love. And to be in love is to always speak your truth. Now just what does this mean?


To speak your truth is to be in alignment with your Higher Self. And to be in alignment is to be mindful that all life starts in the heart/mind of each one of us. Together we shall break the old barriers of deceit. Have we not deceived ourselves saying we are not good enough of this or that. Pretty weird thinking. And it is that we are leaving the old world behind embracing our divine selves knowing that we create our own worlds of form.


This moment called the time of 2012 is most interesting is it not? Humanity is beginning to realize the potential within themselves, but still fall into the old paradigm of lack, and what if’s, and what will become of this world. What will become of this world depends upon what you think. As the energy shifts become more intense, you, humanity, have a choice. What do you want to create in the New World? I hear peace and joy, yet do you realize you don’t embrace these feelings? The releasing continues and you have come a long way. You can cut the way shorter if you like. How do you do that? Feel, my friends, feel the beauty that is you. Feel the divineness that you truly are. Those deep seeded fears of yesterday are coming out of hiding waiting for you to release all holds they have on you. Breathe in the elixir of love. Feel it in your heart. Hold it there until you feel the white crystalline energy with sparkles of color intermixed fill your being. It is a simple exercise. Breathe again and again and you shall see yourselves as walking balls of beautiful glowing lights. In this sparkling body you shall always feel peace and joy. You can create whatever is in your highest good - anything your heart desires. Do remember the ego’s hold as a master is then gone. You, as the sparkling ball of light, extends from your being and assists all humanity, all of earth. Know this!


This New Earth is beginning to show itself as a new body. A multitude of changes are happening, clearing the old debris, allowing for the new to replace it. Storms are brewing over your seas and your lands. Because of the resulting devastation, your cities and country sides may become uninhabitable. Do not mourn these changes. Release what you feel is yours. The lands are a part of this bountiful earth and do not belong to anyone person or country. These words may sound strong to many of you. Some of the demarcations between countries will soon be removed. So-called leaderships will crumble. This you will witness in the next couple of years. Any “leadership” will be through communities. And this will cause more people to go more within themselves as they can no longer count on the large governments to fill their wants and needs. It is love in the making.


Your skies are seeing more activity as your friends who choose to live on ships or other planets are beginning to show themselves. Know that at this time, all who choose to come into your skies are here to support you. It soon will become a well-known fact that there are multitudes of ships that surround your planet. The fear mongers are releasing their hold. They are still trying to dissuade humanity that these ones are not here for you, but here for themselves. Perhaps these fear mongers are speaking of themselves. The more love you have for yourself, the more love you have for others. And this vibration of love will then dispel all fear.


Many ones who have come before you and who have brought in great light will also make themselves known in many different ways. It soon will become very interesting for ones to behold new sights and sounds. Know these ones do not come to save anybody as you are learning there is nothing to “save.” They come as symbols of love, purity, integrity, and joy.


We tease you with the title of this message. What are the consequences if there is not truth? The energy of non-truth will simply not be. That part of duality will fade out of existence until only truth can be thought and spoken. What is truth? It is you, my friend. It is you as a part of Creator creating through your Higher Selves, all a part of Creator of All That Is. It is love in its highest degree.

