Natural Antibiotics for Natural Medicine

Lia's picture


JosepFleming discovered the antibacterial power of penicillin in 1928. Although this was a natural healing agent in the destruction of harmful bacteria, pharmaceutical discovery altered the nature of creating modern antibiotics that cause a number of undesired effects due to excessive use.


Chemical antibiotics are effective, but their medical premises are not always followed and consumed too much and indiscriminately to the point that the health authorities are trying to limit their sale and use.


The broad-spectrum natural antibiotics and are used residual great power in its purest form. Provide vitamin C, A, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, etc. immune system.


They bronco expectorant effects, recommended for pneumonia, pneumonia, cough, colds, flu, fever, sore throat and everything related to lung and respiratory tract infections, 
are vasodilators and make you sweat, with a gradual assimilation by the body to make better use of qualities and so you can absorb the different acids, vitamins and minerals to treat infections, inflammations, as vasodilators, for pain from injuries, are purifying the blood, arterial blockages released, fight cholesterol and supply the immune system. 
effects have anti-rheumatic and anti arthritic, provide antioxidant vitamins A and E, to treat joint problems, to reduce uric acid and cholesterol, providing antioxidants and regenerative products.


Natural antibiotics can be used as medicinal treatments to replace aggressive chemical antibiotics, leveraging its benefits and advantages:


Do not irritate or stimulate the body artificially or aggressive, helping to balance and heal itself. 

No side effects. 
Respect healing times necessary to eliminate the disease. 
're easy to get and their prices are more affordable than drugs . 
Helps heal and maintain strong, healthy cells. 
few powerful natural antibiotic and its properties are:

Echinacea: bacteria and fungi attacks, good for the skin, strengthen the defenses and combat colds.


Onion: fights infections, bacteria, purifies the body, eliminating harmful bodies, it attacks the respiratory discomfort and skin.


Lemon: one of the best natural antibiotics, powerful bactericidal, prevents, protects and helps recovery from many illnesses.


Strawberry: is antiviral and is good to purify the body and keep it free of toxins and harmful microorganisms ..


Radish: good for attacking infection, rich in vitamin C.

Garlic: potent antiviral and antibacterial, disinfectant, antimicrobial, purifying and toning the pituitary gland.


Ginger is antibacterial respecting the microorganisms necessary for the proper functioning of the intestinal flora.


Thyme is antiviral, combat respiratory disorders, does not kill bacteria but prevents these from spreading.


Romero: potent antibacterial and antiviral, prevents the reproduction of harmful bacteria.


Yogurt: 225 g equivalent to 14 units of penicillin and yogurt bacteria are active, after passing the intestines.




Posted in Natural Medicine, Natural Treatments by: Josep




thank you

shelly's picture

Thanks so much for this very good to know info



Namaste  :-)

Medicinal Mushrooms

Guest's picture

Shiitake Maitake Reishi Chonga Turkey Tail Cordyceps to name a few all kick germs butt and maintain a powerful immune system from both personal experience and scientific research.