Star Seed Contemplation

ellion's picture







Thanks for the video

Lichtwerker's picture

The last two weeks I was ill, having an acute bronchitis. I was wondering why this happened to me, because I have a very healthy life style and nearly no stress anymore.


But there was a process going on towards opening the 09-09 portal. I had to release a big block of security in my body. I could release my old work and financial security basis now after 11 years. This will heal a part of the collective as well, because many people have the problem they have work they don't like, it's not connected with the heart but they think they have no choise because they have to pay a lot of bills every month.


Last year I remembered my true mission in life, but wasn't able to stop with the old work yet because of financial reasons. I started already with creating new work from my heart. Now we are so close to the end of 2012 and starting the new financial system and I'm glad to let it all go now.


This video really reminds me all in the collective process that we shall overcome !