Donna Provancher ~ Ophiuchus & September Equinox 2012 At Stonehenge

Lia's picture


We have become so accustomed to seeing Constellation Ophiuchus take a prominent place in the sky during Equinox and Solstice that by now we take it for granted.

The truth is that Ophiuchus is caught up in a rare set of Archaeoastronomy alignments to Stonehenge. The sequence began in 2011 and will continue through 2012 and on into 2013 as we shall see when March Equinox rolls around 6 months from now.

Archaeoastronomy (definition): The branch of archaeology that deals with the apparent use by prehistoric civilizations of astronomical techniques to establish the seasons or the cycle of the year, especially as evidenced in the construction of megaliths and other ritual structures.

If you know the location of the Milky Way Galaxy Center in relation to Constellation Ophiuchus (shown below) then you can put 2 and 2 together easily enough to see that these appearances of Ophiuchus in the Sacred Circle at Stonehenge are a product of the ongoing alignment-in-process of Earth and our Solar System with Galaxy Center.

The target date for the perfection of this alignment has been given as December 21, 2012.

Based on this fact alone we could safely call Ophiuchus the Premier “Sign of the Times”. But for now, although Ophiuchus brings a Universe of gifts to the table, we’ll just stay focused on the Equinox theme for today.

Constellation Ophiuchus As Milky Way Galaxy “Guardian”

We refer to the machinery or clockworks of the Universe matter-of-factly as being the Intelligent Design of a Grand Master Architect of the Universe. But it takes getting into a Planetarium program you can easily move around in to get a full appreciation of how mind boggling and precise the machinery truly is.

Continue reading @ Astronomologer
