Leano Rice ~Opening Collective Portals of Light from Within

Lia's picture



What we think we have to do in the 3rd dimension world of busy work is severely lessened when we analyze what we truly need in this reality. Playing into the world of ego, pins us into a cloudy corner of conscious suppression and self separation. Our powers eventually seem to lie within the grips of a false reality based on what we have and who we "think" we are, in a world of "duel" nature. A world where up is down and left is right, but making the choice to go with the light (every way), is infinite.

Every one of us chose this experience. We should all be taking full advantage of all the beauty and essence of this perfect earth experience. A living being, naturally evolved over billions of years to provide a comfortable home for all living being's to have the ability to thrive within the loving arms of her care. As the conscious children of this planet, we have the responsibility to maintain a balance of the self, and have a goal to limit the destruction of our home and her children to nil. The closer we get to balance and harmony with the planet, the closer we get to our own divinity and the infinite capabilities of boundless human potential.

Transcending all patents and monetary limitation. Full blown acceleration of the human form and innovation.
- Free schools for inventors
- Poverty - The leading killer of all humanity; placed on the forefront of all human thought processes, and dealt with accordingly, in a responsible and expedient fashion, on a global scale.
- Death and destruction, no longer accepted as any course of action, ever.
    - All food will be organic and healthy
- All inventions will be free from individual ownership and suppression
- Money will be a thing of the past, and prosperity for all will be a thing of the now.

We must not expect an external manifestation of these realities until we make them a part of our moment to moment perspectives. These perspectives will eventually remove the pyramid of control driven illusion from under their hollow throne. Taking back our power, not from anybody else, but from our own minds. Mind's that have been clouded into the illusion of limitation. Once that cloud has passed, the sun shines brighter than any light we've ever experienced, from within.

We have the ability to change our entire perspective on what reality is, and how it relates to us. The power of the mind that is driven by the heart is boundless. To realize the misfortune of our brothers and sisters on this planet, and no longer separate ourselves from them in thought and feeling, but to actually feel their pain and empathize with their position for even a second, would be a monumental start. This shift opens up many of the blocked energy portals of the heart, and allows our subconscious mind to feel on a global level and energetically transfer beams of love and light to the human consciousness grid. This perspective directly relates to the feeling someone gets when a person(s) is focusing energy on their being.

By opening more portals to the light of all being's, we consciously grow more inclined to remove our personal involvement in the destructive patterns of our everyday lives. As physical expressions of one light, the evolution of the individual is the evolution of the collective. We create more light to shine. The more light we have to shine, the more we want to share that light. Inversely, the more we contribute to the world of ego and duality, the less collective light we have to share on physical and spiritual levels. Dual/ego nature is a generic expression of human capabilities and love. A lunchable life; enough to survive (only because of the great adaptability of the human form), but filled with harmful preservatives and empty calories. Similar to choosing a freshly picked organic apple, over a greasy mystery burger. The act alone just feels better on an energetic level, let alone the physical thanks our bodies feel after the fact.

So, on the whole, are you an spiritual cheeseburger? If so, change it. The illusion of difficulty within the light of change is just that, an illusion. Living in the now removes the old grips of limitation and places our choices in our face in every moment. The recognition of a bad habit alone is the first and last step towards change for the good. The power lies in never expecting too much, too fast, and never holding a negative perspective on a minor slip. Always find the positive perspective, and follow your heart. Eventually, the balance your heart desires will manifest into the physical reality. First feel it, then do it. Over time, the first step will become habit, and soon enough we will be surrounded by shining spirits of globally conscious-doers. Everyone's time frame and velocity is different. Don't rush, just live.

This coming election, imagine your two choices for president are the Self, and the ego. Vote for the Self, and empower yourSelf with the focus of love (without expectation) and empathy for all humanity, and see what kind of change you are capable of. Hold yourSelf responsible for the change you desire and see how much light you can manifest in a world of happiness, beauty, and fulfillment. The only difference is, the power is completely within your hands and based upon whatever your heart desires, for the betterment of all humanity, and will run the entire length of your human experience. There's no rush, you have all the "time" in the world.
