Pubblicato in data 10/ott/2012 da GalacticCentral
Greetings Love beings, we are one day away from a Huge Portal of the 10~10. This Portal is going to Bring a Whammy of Energies with a Multi~Dimensional Series of Happenings, to set us on a Clear path towards our Galactic Alignment. This will also open up the final cleansing of all denser energies on this Planet. We are in for an Interesting ride till the remainder of the Year, when it will become even more exciting.
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Do you have any idea how
Do you have any idea how amazing I feel inside right now?!?? I am so ready for my mission, BLing it on!!!
I've coined a new phrase and
I've coined a new phrase and see it coming very soon: "The Fall of the Cabal-2012". Saying it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside ;)