For you Ali! As always people ask about how to activate their heart chakra and the process of accomplishing that. This process of "How To" will be different an unique with each one of us. What actually happens in the process will be similar if not the same with each. In order to activate our heart chakra, we must release a good part of our karma, negativity, attachments, perceptions and lower vibrations we have held throughout many lifetimes, to align with something brand new. Doing this is a test of one's spiritual metal and resolve. I highly encourage it as this is how we shall shift our planet into the next higher dimension. LOVE!
Let go...
Some things I suggest to people for Heart Chakra activation is to feel/know with the heart, that there are always more than one perspective to look at any situation. Seek out the highest vibrational perspective you can achieve, and make that your reality; your belief system. This concept allows a feeling to generate an energy that is powered by the heart through love and compassion for all. Take this perspective from everything from huge life changing decisions, all the way down to individual thought patterns. The heart muscle/brain starts to develop more of a connection with your source energy, and will eventually overtake the mind/ego perspective into ascension.
There is no one thing to activate the heart chakra. In fact, the moment we let go of such a desire and truly allow ourselves to flow into our reality with the ultimate love of the infinite perfection of every moment, that is when we at least set the stage for such wonder and amazement to manifest itself into our own physical realitites, with activations such as the heart chakra. Each individual has to do different things to activate their own heart chakra. We have different conditions to remove, different egos that have developed tenticles reaching different parts of the self, and different needs that match our individual vibrations.
Love is the key. Find out how to fit love into every essence of your frequency, and one day you'll be walking down the road and all of a sudden it will feel like 300 hummingbirds have just flew into your chest, giving your heart a million kisses with each swoop of their wings.
It is truly a Love activation.
Love You,