OpEdNews – Retired NSA Analyst proves GOP is Stealing Elections

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Source: 2012 Indy Info, 11/01/12

Mitt Romney campaigns in Holland, Michigan, 06/19/12. (photo: Evan Vucci/AP)
Mitt Romney campaigns in Holland, Michigan, 06/19/12. (photo: Evan Vucci/AP)

By Denis Campbell, LA Progressive

28 October 12


hy is Mitt Romney so confident? In states where the winner will be decided by less than 10%, of the vote he already knows he will win. This is no tinfoil hat conspiracy. It’s a math problem. And mathematics showed changes in actual raw voting data that had no statistical correlation other than programmable computer fraud. This computer fraud resulted in votes being flipped from Democrat to Republican in every federal, senatorial, congressional and gubernatorial election since 2008 (thus far) and in the 2012 primary contests from other Republicans to Mitt Romney.

This goes well beyond Romney’s investment control in voting machine maker Hart Intercivic and Diebold’s close ties to George W. Bush. Indeed all five voting machine companies have very strong GOP fundraising ties, yet executives (including the candidate’s son Tagg Romney) there is no conflict between massively supporting one party financially whilst controlling the machines that record and count the votes.

A retired NSA analyst has spent several sleepless nights applying a simple formula to past election results across Arizona. His results showed across-the-board systemic election fraud on a coordinated and massive scale. But the analysis indicated that this only happens in larger precincts because anomalies in small precincts can be more easily detected.

“Easy to Cheat”

Retired NSA analyst Michael Duniho has worked for nearly seven years trying to understand voting anomalies in his home state of Arizona and Pima County. This publication has written extensively about apparent vote machine manipulation in a 2006 RTA Bond issue election that is still being fought in the courts. Said Duniho, “It is really easy to cheat using computers to count votes, because you can’t see what is going on in the machine.”

When Duniho applied a mathematical model to actual voting results in the largest voting precincts, he saw that only the large precincts suddenly trended towards Mitt Romney in the Arizona primary – and indeed all Republicans in every election since 2008 – by a factor of 8%-10%. The Republican candidate in every race saw an 8-10%. gain in his totals whilst the Democrat lost 8-10%. This is a swing of up to  20 point, enough to win an election unless a candidate was losing very badly.

Since sifting through and decoding massive amounts of data was his work for decades on behalf of the National Security Agency, he wanted to understand why this was ONLY happening in large precincts.

Nose Counting

The idea of examining large precinct results came via a link to a report written by Francois Choquette and James Johnson. Choquette became curious about South Carolina primary results in the February Republican contest. There a poll observer noted an unusually big gain of votes for Mitt Romney in larger precincts than in smaller ones. Choquette wanted to know why?

He examined and applied all of the normal statistical markers to see where a variance might occur: income level, population density, race, urban vs. rural, even party registration numbers. He found no correlation to explain why Romney votes trended upward while Paul and Santorum votes trended downward -yet only in large precincts.

Choquette then looked at all 50 states and found roughly a 10% switch in votes from GOP to Democrat everywhere except Utah, where the presumption was, as it was Mitt’s religious home state and very conservative, there was no chance of Romney losing.

Choquette even saw in Maricopa County, which is Phoenix and its suburbs, that in 2008 Romney used this technique against John McCain. But McCain beat him by too much for a 10% fraud gain to matter. McCain tried to do the same thing in the general election to President Obama but 9 million votes nationally were too many to make up.

Examining every county across America was too massive an undertaking for any one person so he included a simple set of instructions and encouraged others to do the same with raw vote totals in their county/state.

  • Download the text files of all raw actual vote results by precinct from the Secretary of State’s Office.
  • Arrange them in precinct order.
  • Put in all of the candidate totals for each precinct.
  • Sort the data by total vote smallest on the top.

Now here it gets a bit dense: He needed to add columns that show cumulative totals by candidate then compare them by candidate to establish trend lines.

That reveals trends should remain statistically constant throughout an election.


OpEdNews – Retired NSA Analyst proves GOP is Stealing Elections.



..GOP Stealing Elections

Ra-Raela's picture

Surely, the Galaktic Federation must be aware of the machinations going on behind closed doors. Especially, when it comes to electronic data. Being that they favor Pres. Obama's re-election, it will be interesting to see, whether or not they will nix such goings on. It, meaning messing with the machines, has already happened once. Somehow, don't think, that it is going to be allowed, that the free will of the American people is going to be rail roaded twice. I do think. that it is important for people to know what is going on, and how desperate the minions have become. So I put this up on my facebook site. I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop, and something much more exciting than the election, is going to take place. Only time will tell.

We've been snookered loads of times

queenvictrola's picture

And the mainscream media's job is to reinforce the myth that everything is fine. The "election went off without a hitch", thre'll say, "just trust us" they'll say. People actually voted the way they say they voted, they'll claim. Not too many people saw the eggs and rotten tomatoes being hurled at the Bush caravan in 2000 but the people of Florida understood why.  Not too many people thought it strange that in 2004 heavy, heavy rain pelted only 2 states, Ohio and Florida. The weather map was remarkable. It appeared as if God did not want people voting in those states that saw lines that stretched across city block after city block, a river of umbrellas that went on for miles long into the night. Actually, it was people who think they are God who were manipulating the weather. In 2008 we conducted exit polls and were on the lookout in Ohio. We had learned from 2004 and we were determined to protect the vote and the 1% were prevented from stealing it for McCain Palin. Four more years have come and gone and Americans are back again at the wheel—asleep, believing the mainstream talking points. Even some of the alternative press is in denial. Even today. Wow.

If you want to serve your democracy do this: on election night when the returns start coming in, stay at your computer and take screen shots every fifteen minutes from your Secretary of State's website. When you get to about 11 PM, when everyone just cannot stay awake anymore, that is when it gets interesting. By 1 AM or maybe 2 AM you might see the total go down for democratic candidates. In '04 SoS Ken Blackwell sent our results through RNC servers in Chattanooga, TN then rerouted them back to the SoS website. Et voila, Bush took the lead in Ohio.  Michael Connell, the RNC IT guru was deposed to answer questions as a hostile witness in Bronzville Assoc. v Blackwell. His second deposition was soon to get underway but not before his plane mysteriously crashed on his way home for Christmas in '08.

The truth is the American people have been railroaded loads of times and until we are fully awake, these the 1%'s train of illusion will continue to happen. Democracy is not a spectator sport and requires much more than simply casting your vote to protect it. Constant vigilance is what is required.