Volcanic activity world-wide 1-2 November 2012

Rain's picture

Source: VolcanoDiscovery.com - By T, 11/02/12

An increased number of earthquakes can be noted beneath Askja volcano in Iceland during the recent days, and the tremor signal is elevated as well, although far from alarming levels. The volcano is certainly one to watch out for.

A strong SO2 plume is visible from Nyiragongo. The Goma Volcano Observatory has reported continuous ash emissions. This could suggest a new eruptive phase at the volcano has begun.

The seismic swarm in the Tjörnes Fracture Zone north off Iceland that had started nearly 2 weeks ago continues as well although at somewhat reduced pace. Quakes are contentrated in 2 main areas at the western and eastern sides of the fault system.

Elevated seismic activity including a swarm of quakes in mid October and ongoing slight deflation continued at Yellowstone caldera volcano during October. There are no signs of a possible reawakening in a near future.

Popocatépetl's activity has been showing a weak increasing trend with more than 2 exhalations per hour during 30 Oct - 1 Nov. Some emissions probably contained small amounts of ash. Glow from the crater remains visible at night, indicating that the lava dome continues to grow slowly there.

Fuego volcano in Guatemala has mild infrequent strombolian explosions and continues to feed its lava flow, which however has decreased to 200 m length.

The lava flows from Santiaguito lava dome were reported calm this morning. Few weak explosions are sometimes observed from the dome.

Pacaya volcano is steaming only, but continues to show some elevated seismic activity.

Seismic swarms of low energy continue to occur at Cumbal volcano in Colombia. Nevado del Ruiz volcano continues to emit significant amounts of steam and gas, and sometimes small amounts of ash. Galeras volcano has had small intermittent ash explosions recently. The country's other volcanoes currently on yellow alert have not shown significant variations in their activity during the past week.

MODVOLC detected a hot spot at Pagan volcano in the Marianas on 31 Oct, the first time since August 2012. According to USGS, the volcano continues to show only steaming, but it cannot ruled out that the new thermal anomaly might be caused by near-surface lava.

Alaid volcano (Northern Kuriles, Russia) continues to show a thermal hot spot as well. The volcano is not monitored on ground.

Raung volcano in East Java might have been erupting on a small scale already since 19 Oct. A video from a visit at the local volcano observatory shows strong seismic activity, but no visible plumes rising from the volcano's summit.

An explosion from Kizimen volcano in Kamchatka today produced an ash plume rising to 17,000 ft (5.2 km) altitude, VAAC Tokyo reported.
