Volcanic activity world-wide 3-5 November 2012

Rain's picture

Source: Volcano Discovery - By T, 11/05/12

The seismic swarm in the Tjörnes Fracture Zone north off Iceland continues with little changes. About 50-100 earthquakes mostly of magnitudes of around 1-2 are being recorded daily. The largest recent one was a felt magnitude 3.8 quake at 5.6 km depth on Saturday 3 Nov.

At Kilauea volcano on Hawai'i, the 2 lava lakes at the summit and in Pu'u 'O'o on the rift zone remain active. A spatter cone near Pu`u `O`o continued to emit lava flows. In the coastal plain, lava flows remain active as well have been advancing slowly, but are still at least 1 km away from the coast.

Popocatépetl's activity has continues to increase a bit over the past days with about 3 weak to moderate explosions per hour, some producing small ash plumes.

Activity of Fuego volcano in Guatemala continues dominated by the effusion of a lava flow, reaching now 800 meters length. Mild explosive activity was observed as well with 13 weak strombolian explosions during 4-5 Nov with ash plumes rising 2-500 m and spreading west and northwest. Incandescent material was thrown to 100 meters above the crater and generated weak avalanches on the upper crater's flanks.

The viscous lava flows from Santiaguito lava dome resumed their progress. Strong glow from the western lava dome rim and constant avalanches from the flow fronts were observed during 4-5 Nov.

Seismic activity at El Salvador's San Miguel volcano has calmed down compared to some weeks ago, but still shows many small quakes and long-period events.

Eruptive activity at Reventador volcano in Ecuador probably continues. During a rare window of clear weather, a steam column was seen rising 3 km from the crater on 3 Oct. The seismogram shows intense activity as well.

An eruption of Manam volcano in Papua New Guinea produced an ash plume rising to 10,000 ft / 3 km altitude on 3 Nov, indicating that sporadic explosive activity from the volcano goes on.

After a relatively quiet period between 30 Oct - 3 Nov, Sakurajima volcano on Kyushu in Japan had a record number of 6 moderate explosions on 4 November (GMT time). Ash rose to altitudes of 6-8,000 ft (1.8-2.4 km).
