~“Subterranean Worlds.” The Agartha Network~

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~“Subterranean Worlds.” The Agartha Network~

Adama is the head Priest and the spiritual leader of Telos. He serves as the head of the Lemurian Council of Light located in Telos. Adama is the Ambassador and a diplomat to the Galactic Federation of Planets and represents the beings below and above humanity. He is commander of a project to maintain a crystalline grid around the planet.

Adama is also a leader of the Ascension Project that aims to ascend humans to the fifth dimension. This project includes the Christ, Maitreya, Sananda, and Sanat Kumara. He represents the love and compassion of Telos and the heart of the Divine Mother (“Meet Adama”). Glenda Green of Sedona painted this portrait. Adama posed for this picture in her studio. She used these words to describe the character of Adama: “Humility, graciousness, and tenderness (Jones “Adama’s Corner”).

Louise Aurelia Jones in her book “Telos”, presents these optimistic revelations of Adama and other wisdom Masters.


Light beings of the Mount Shasta Brotherhood of Light and the Lemurian Brotherhood help in the ascension process. Ascension teaches surrender to the will of Divinity, transformation from an ego to the “I AM” Self, and the journey to the fifth dimension. Adama states that the key is love: “love of Self, love of God, and love for all the family of Earth.” Mankind has been waiting for this event for many millennia.

Great emphasis is placed on raising the consciousness of humanity and oneself. It is discovering the Real Self and unlimited divine being, exploring your heart, and finding the golden angel of your life. You demonstrate magic and grace of God. It means working with freedom, you ask what are your dreams and goals and what you want to manifest in this incarnation. You let go of old beliefs that hold you back and clear your emotional and mental bodies. You need to flow beauty, joy, love, and bliss. You recognize your genuine identity as eternal, immortal, and a glorious lover of Divinity and focus on the Godhead within. This conscious raising has created a paradise and a golden age of perfection in Telos.

Relationships in Telos are based on unity and universal consciousness. Oneness is the foundation of intimacy. They relate to a significant other who is a mirror to love. The Telosians love themselves and focus on the meaning of true love. Men and women live as equal partners and consider each other as two aspects of God – women, the divine mother and men, the divine father. There are no problems of physical survival and financial difficulties. They work only 20 hours a week and the rest is free time. This condition of abundance and prosperity allows for mature love and consciousness and honoring the planet.

Another aim is emergence. Humanity on the surface must be ready to receive the teachings of Telos. The people of Telos measure the readiness of surface humanity. This includes both compassion and heart opening of mankind. At the time of writing the level was 65%, and the requirement is 90%. To remain on the planet, you need to choose Christhood, Divinity, and personal evolution through working with Mother Earth. You will be part of the Creator’s dispensation of love and light. You will be lifted to the fifth dimension and a new world paradise of magic. This will bring about the reunion of the two civilizations.

An important meeting concerning the Emergence of Telos took place in Mount Shasta on October, 2003. There were 346 participants: 88 attended the live meeting, 111 listened to a live broadcast, 77 were in chat rooms, and 70 were on Bulletin Boards. The meeting is called Contact Day.

Adama, the Head Priest of Telos, presented the program for achieving direct contact with humans and the arrival plan. The two places of Emergence are the Cave Springs in Dunsmuir and a Cave at Big Bend Hot Springs. He said the program would start with planting gardens as part of the Dunsmuir Botanical Gardens. He encouraged the founding of welcoming committees in cities, towns, villages, and barrios around the planet. Adama also asked gardens be planted in special locations.

He explained the codes of entry to join the program:
(1) attaining fifth dimension consciousness
(2) unconditional love for Self and others
(3) duality consciousness unified 90%
(4) live the way of harmlessness that is also called Ahimsa in Sanskrit
(5) clear and heal all negativity from the emotional body. This allows you to be attuned to the high energy frequencies of Telos, and
(6) complete the seventh spiritual initiation in the inner planes.

This initiation puts you into contact with the Office of Christ under Lord Maitreya and Lord Sananda. Adama described the steps of contact and emergence. First, seed will be sent to plant gardens on the surface. Second, they will send small animals. Third, they will send small groups of inner earth people to greet chosen surface people.

Commander Ashtar, the ET commander of the Ashtar Command Federation, said that if there is adequate success, ships will land in designated sites.

Saint Germaine said that Ascended Masters from the mountain will come forth from their inner retreats. He also said love is the key. If you embody the highest love, you will achieve spiritual freedom (Winston).

Princess Sharula relates this story about the Christmas and New Year Celebration on December 21, 1999. She was born in 1725 and is the daughter of the King and Queen of Telos. The Princess now serves as the Ambassador of the Argatha Network of cities to the above world. She works with merging of the two worlds and a plan for creating peace on earth. She now lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

The celebration of Christmas and New Years is held on December 21, the day of the Winter Solstice, and lasts 24 hours with three major ceremonies at twelve midnight, twelve noon, and six in the evening. It celebrates the return of the Christ light into the world.

The Cosmic Christ is known as Jesus/Sananda who serves as the spiritual chief of the United Space Commands. The celebration is held in a temple that holds 10,000 people. The royal family, dignitaries of other Argathan cities, members of the Planetary Confederation, and residents from Telos celebrate this event.

Princess Sharula describes the celebration at midnight

The lights in the temple are extinguished and all present hold unlit candles and are wearing black capes to further darken the Great Hall. In the darkness of the temple comes a magnificent candlelight procession of one hundred individuals, all wearing white gowns led by (the King and Queen of Telos).

As the procession winds its way through the temple, one by one 10,000 candles are lit and the entire hall is ablaze with glorious candlelight. Everyone drops the white garments underneath and as midnight strikes all lift therein welcoming the Christ energies. In all the precinct temples the same candlelight candlelight procession is occurring, and the whole city is sing to the top of the rafters (“The Pleadian Doves 1999 and Year 2000″.

The Great Mission of Telos

Two missions of Adama include the Emergence and the Ascension. The Emergence is the coming together of the people of the above worlds and the underground worlds. Spiritual awakening of above ground humanity must reach critical mass in which enough people know and work on their divine mission and purpose. The emergence is only a few years away. No date is given. There will be an exchange between the two civilizations and both will join into “One Big Family of the Children of the Mother”.

Soon afterwards there will follow “a permanent Golden Age of enlightenment, love, peace, prosperity and beauty for all on this planet” (Robbins). The other mission is the Ascension in which Adama teaches humans to move from the third to the fifth dimension. He heads the Ascension Project for our planet. Telos is its main headquarters (“Adam’s Corner”. Adama explains the reason for these two missions, “For in order for the Earth and Humanity to ascend in consciousness, the whole planet must be united and merged into One Light from below and One Light from above” (Robbins).

Adama, the head priest of Telos, explains through a channeling of Lailel, how to contact him: “If you are interested in coming to Telos at night during your sleep state, just call on Adama at night during your sleep state and request admission to Telos, and Adama will receive you. You are all Telepathic Beings, so when you center your thoughts on Adama and call to Adama, Adama hears you. Adama is currently conducting classes on the Inner Planes at night. If you’d like to register for these classes, just petition Adama before going to bed asking to be student. Adama will teach you mastery of yourself on all levels of existence”. (Lailel).

Works Cited

Jones, Aurelia Jones, “Adama’s Corner.” The Lemurian Connection. 15 March 2005. 30 Nov. 2005.
Lailel (Channeler). “Greetings from Adama of Telos” Salem New Age Center. 29 Nov. 2005.
“Telos, a City under Mt. Shasta.” Fourwinds10.com. 29 Nov.

Joanna Cherry – Telos: The Lemurian City Inside Mt. Shasta

©1995, Joanna Cherry
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