Sun produced spectacular plasma prominence and backsided M1.0 flare

Rain's picture

Source: The Watchers, By Chillymanjaro, 11/11/12

Solar activity is moderate. Three C-class events were observed overnight and giant plasma filled prominence occurred on the southwest limb. M1.0 solar flare was registered around 02:11 UTC but it was not associated with numbered active region. Region 1608 produced C2 flare associated with a Earth-directed coronal mass ejection (CME) on November 10. An additional CME was observed off the west limb few hours later but was from a region on the backside and is not earthward directed. INFO FROM SIDC – RWC BELGIUM 10 Nov 2012, 1221UT We expect solar activity to stay at eruptive levels (C-class flare likely), with NOAA...

Solar activity is moderate. Three C-class events were observed overnight and giant plasma filled prominence occurred on the southwest limb. M1.0 solar flare was registered around 02:11 UTC but it was not associated with numbered active region.

Amazing plasma filled prominences seen at SDO’s AIA 304 (Courtesy of NASA/SDO and the AIA, EVE, and HMI science teams)

Region 1608 produced C2 flare associated with a Earth-directed coronal mass ejection (CME) on November 10. An additional CME was observed off the west limb few hours later but was from a region on the backside and is not earthward directed.


We expect solar activity to stay at eruptive levels (C-class flare likely), with NOAA AR 1610 as a prime candidate for flares of this class, including a small risk for an M class flare. AR 1611 might also produce some C flares. A halo CME was observed on Nov. 9 at about 1536 UT on LASCO C2. It is associated with an on-disk filament eruption, in the vicinity of NOAA AR 1608. We might encounter part of the ICME related to this event, by the end of Nov. 13, but we do not expect significant geomagnetic effect. In the meanwhile, geomagnetic activity is expected to be very low.

A new unnumbered spot region is rotating onto the disk from east limb at about S21. There are currently 5 numbered sunspot regions on the disk.

Farside and Earth-side active regions (Credit: SolarHam/STEREO)


The geomagnetic field is expected to be quiet with a slight chance of unsettled levels today. Two CMEs from November 9 and November 10 are expected to merge and arrive tomorrow around 12:00 UTC. Geomagnetic activity is expected to reach unsettled to active levels with a chance for minor storm periods on the next two days. This could spark some nice aurora display at high latitudes.
