~Activation of God Particles and the Expansion of Human Consciousness~
~The Omni Oneness through Love Reporter Judith K. Moore and Sean Sands~
The power of One is manifest in a new dimension of consciousness on Earth. Cosmic frequencies are opening subdimensional fields of vibration that are powerfully affecting our understanding of relativity. Consciousness has accelerated, shifting the nature of mass and matter. Each particle of form is now engaged in adapting and applying the law of One to quantum vibration, resonance, and harmonics through dimensional and subdimensional fields.
The accelerated continuum deepens your relationship to cosmic forces, which now affect your mind. You can now respond to a new dimension of sound—the harmonic of the Omni One—that alters your conscious receptivity through the interpretive centers of the human mind. Simply put, those individuals who have opened to a state of attunement to the harmony of peace and cosmic principles now experience an expanded reality.
Reality Shifts Envelop Planet Earth
Reality on planet Earth was formerly dictated through certain constraints that created closed thought forms and self-limiting principles of mind and reality. Vast areas of the populace were locked in delusions designed to maintain the status quo. Once an ideology became a controlling doctrine for collective group, only a few exceptional humans could go beyond the dictated social norms and behavior patterns. Cosmic mind[heart] is unencumbered. It can easily connect to the vibrations that form reality on subtle planes of consciousness in the expanded dimensions. Humanity was previously limited by energy relationships that formed consciousness.
Reality Shifts Envelop Planet Earth
Reality on planet Earth was formerly dictated through certain constraints that created closed thought forms and self-limiting principles of mind and reality. Vast areas of the populace were locked in delusions designed to maintain the status quo. Once an ideology became a controlling doctrine for collective group, only a few exceptional humans could go beyond the dictated social norms and behavior patterns. Cosmic mind[heart] is unencumbered. It can easily connect to the vibrations that form reality on subtle planes of consciousness in the expanded dimensions. Humanity was previously limited by energy relationships that formed consciousness.
The perception of relativity is transmitted through harmonics of sound and light principles. There is now a new dimension of sound and thus a new avenue for the consciousness of light to infuse the perceptual centers of human consciousness. This means humanity has a window open to the higher realms. The essential vibration of divine consciousness is actualized through the principle of Omni Oneness.
Divine vibration affects the continuum of human consciousness on every level, altering and accelerating human capacity for sovereignty and compassion. Now there is an exchange of high velocity particles that are charged with energy from the mind and heart consciousness of the One. This vibration is rapidly evolving into a prevailing frequency in human consciousness.
Divine vibration affects the continuum of human consciousness on every level, altering and accelerating human capacity for sovereignty and compassion. Now there is an exchange of high velocity particles that are charged with energy from the mind and heart consciousness of the One. This vibration is rapidly evolving into a prevailing frequency in human consciousness.
A minority of individuals have been opening to universal oneness. A rather isolated socioecological group, these individuals—the awakeners—have vibratory patterns that readily connect to the ecosystem of the Earth. As the continuum of frequencies widens, more people come to understand the true nature of the law of relativity. The reality of human existence is altered. Initially this will be observed through subtle patterns of compassionate relationship and awareness of the consequences of behavior. People will become more aware of how they affect others.
Consciousness is conveyed to family, community, andworkplace through electromagnetic discharges from the brain that form thoughts and become communication patterns. The communication patterns of societies are predetermined by the constraints of existing dominant behavior patterns. The majority of humans have been unable to focus beyond competition, lack, fear, and anxiety patterns, thus creating unstable social structures. When this happens, perceptions become delusional and dysfunctional behavior patterns appear to be normal.
The planet has reached a critical point of imbalance
between unstable social structures and the creative principles of universal law. This imbalance limits the potential energy exchange in all relativity patterns. The limited patterns of synergism create excessive velocity in certain destructive energy forms. The imbalance causes apathy, despair, and hopelessness in millions of humans. People lose faith and feel that they are not empowered to make a difference. The result is a lack of interest in or focus on cocreative behaviors that sustain compassion and love. One result is the breakdown of functional relationship to self, community, and environment. This social breakdown is the major factor that deteriorates the holographic Earth and results in Earth changes and the collapse of social order.
A New Harmonic Emerges
The earth has absorbed and utilized harmonics coming from the universal One. A critical mass of awakened humans have activated a new sound harmonic that affects reality on every level. This harmonic is powerfully charged with loving, creative energy. A multitude of individuals have toned using the new frequencies at power points on the grid during powerful cosmic alignments. These individuals responded to the power of the Universal One that guided them to activate the holographic heart of the earth. Deteriorating patterns have been transformed because of the new sound harmonic called the “harmony of one.”
A cosmic wheel has turned to align dimensions and
reveal a new capacity for relationship between humans and infinite Oneness. This phenomenon has altered the natural order of life on earth. Humans now have the opportunity as never before to have a personal relationship with the God Source. The Creator was once a distant force that humans could only experience at times of spiritual revelation. Then they would slip back into a state of disconnection where they participated in an imbalanced collective delusion. This relationship pattern has changed. The fifth element is activated, and the nature of reality on Earth is changed. Humankind is being invited to go beyond the limited view of a fixed reality into a state of divine grace.
The field of relativity has altered now to optimize the expanded nature of consciousness. The new relativity pattern creates energy exchanges in balance with the universal law of love. Humans may participate in authentic, nondelusional vibrations. The old illusion of suffering is no longer a dominant force of relativity. Thought forms that support wholeness are now empowered by universal forces. This shift will ultimately result in the springing forth of new communities of peace among the populace.
The change will happen not through the development of new doctrines but through the infusion of existing doctrines with the power of One and harmonic oneness. The change happens because of the expanded capacity for the power of love to be exchanged, received, and felt by humans.
The Increasing Power of Love
What does this mean? It is simple. Love is more powerful. Kindness will be felt on every level. This statement has implications that go beyond your initial perception or ability to conceive. Love is more powerful. Thus one loving action expands the potential of the harmonic relationship throughout our ecosystem and culture of interpersonal relationships, changing society at the core.
The Increasing Power of Love
What does this mean? It is simple. Love is more powerful. Kindness will be felt on every level. This statement has implications that go beyond your initial perception or ability to conceive. Love is more powerful. Thus one loving action expands the potential of the harmonic relationship throughout our ecosystem and culture of interpersonal relationships, changing society at the core.
Peaceful communities depend not only on energetic relationships between individuals and their capacity to coexist in a respectful, gentle way but also on the relationship between the individual and the environment. Energy is constantly being exchanged between humanity and their habitat. The energetics of the earth have shifted, causing changes in the energy humans exchange with the environment. This new energy feeds the core consciousness that supports loving communities, thereby shifting the nature of existence.
The God Particle
The God particle has been activated in a collective group of conscious humans who ultimately change the nature of reality on Earth. This activation occurred through receptors of consciousness in energy centers around the planet—centers of telepathic energy established within the ascension workers and soul groups of the ascension plane. Where there is a network of telepathic capacity, you are able to transmit energy and frequencies over long distances. These patterns allow vibrations to be sent instantly to vast numbers of humans who have prepared themselves by acts of faith and attunement to divine consciousness. The field of relativity expands the God particle before the field of interpretive thought transmissions is even translated into thought form. This is the nature of the vibration of consciousness. This is the quantum technology of the Ark of the Covenant.
When any group or individual connects to the God Source, the power of the energy has a quantum effect on human consciousness— an effect that previously was not possible on Earth. Loving, peaceful thoughts and feelings are magnified in the collective and received on the planet through telepathic links that act as agents of change. The ultimate result is an increase in the effectiveness of peaceful loving thoughts.
The increased love vibration is felt in relationship patterns all over the planet. You have witnessed how meditation raises the frequencies of the planet. Sufficient numbers of individuals now respond to galactic time and are no longer limited to artificial time systems. They intuitively engage in thought forms that reflect higher principles. They don’t need a clock to tell them to focus in at noon on a certain day. That is helpful at times but not necessary. Now a collective quantum surge of energy affects consciousness on every level with love. Kindness and compassion fuel the change. Love is the vehicle for consciousness, the essential and pertinent vibration that will carry this consciousness to the world. Lower thought forms will not carry this consciousness.
They simply absorb it. Love is transmitted by individuals who have already raised their consciousnesses to a level of compassionate beings. It is important to understand that the discordant thought forms from lower dimensional fields do not contaminate this process. Thus the energy is transmitted through a pure field of love harmonics.
The purpose of this transmission is to aid individuals who engage in the love vibration to enhance the process—you think about it and your thoughts are transmitted before words can be formed.
The purpose of this transmission is to aid individuals who engage in the love vibration to enhance the process—you think about it and your thoughts are transmitted before words can be formed.
Love is the basis of a new ideology developing as the seventh cosmic wave is reaching its apex. Everything related to the cosmic Christ is accelerated and accentuated in the practical state of human existence. Goodness and its power are exemplified. The power of what is called evil is no longer dominant. It is recommended that you process this transmission slowly. Take time to read it over and allow it to simply sink in.
You do not have to understand all that is said in order for the power of this message to affect your personal shift. The transmission is working to expand your consciousness. Some individuals might not comprehend the expanded message of this transmission and may become oversensitized or dizzy.
You do not have to understand all that is said in order for the power of this message to affect your personal shift. The transmission is working to expand your consciousness. Some individuals might not comprehend the expanded message of this transmission and may become oversensitized or dizzy.
If you feel a slight disorientation or dizziness, take your time. There are powerful frequencies associated with this transmission. It generates energy and it is already in the omni plane of the collective reality. As you read this message, you are triggering the collective. Meditate afterward to help transmit energy to the collective. Your involvement on any level with this message will greatly enhance the expansion of human existence and peace on Earth. Blessed be, so be it, and so it is.