~Wisdom of the Light~
~Archangel Michael’s New Energy of Protection By Archangel Michael~
I send waves of beloved angelic love, like a shimmering magic dust to shower over your being. I
am Archangel Michael and it is such a tremendous delight to bring my love, energy, light and
wisdom forward to connect with your energy.
So many changes of a positive nature are occurring on the Earth now. We, on the inner planes
can see that the light upon the Earth is becoming brighter with each day; this is due to your focus
and devotion. We honour you for this and send our thanks. We are noticing that the angelic
presence upon the Earth is also increasing; this is because more and more people are becoming
aware of the energy of angelic beings and how we are willing and able to assist their reality. We
have always been selfless beings of light, guiding and assisting humanity, but it is far more difficult
to guide people when they are not conscious of our presence. The conscious awareness of angelic
guides has amplified and we are being called to be of assistance in vast numbers by humanity at
this time. It brings such love and delight to our soul and means that we can work with humanity in a
new integrated way where our presence allows humanity and the angelic kingdom to become closer
to the Creator’s light. It is so important to invite angelic beings into your reality to be of assistance
and guidance, as well as invoking angels to support the Earth; the mere presence of more angelic
beings on the Earth invited by humanity increases the light quotient of the Earth. We are all one
after all and there is so much energy and love that we can share with you. We are described as
beings of selfless service but we see your souls in this way also, we are all working to become truly
united with the Creator’s soul.
I encourage you to invite the angels and archangels to be a constant presence in your life,
allowing yourself to be consciously aware of their influence.
There is a very special purpose for my communication today; to me it is a celebration of
humanity’s growth and awakening. In the past I have shared with you a shield of protection which
has been created by my energy and which you can ask me to place around your auric field to
ensure your safety on all levels. This shield of protection was composed of an electric blue bubble
of light surrounding your auric field, then a platinum bubble of light. The electric blue bubble
protected you against negativity from the Earth such as electrical appliance, negative thoughts and
chemicals. The platinum bubble of light protected you from any negative energy from beings that
may not be focused on love or the purity of the Creator. The platinum bubble ensured you created
appropriate light vibration connections for you and protected you during your spiritual practices. I
would then, if needs be, place a shielded bubble of light around you which would ensure that only
vibrations and energy of love where allowed to penetrate your energy or being. This was a very
secure and strong protection which was needed while people were awakening and exploring
energies. This protective triple bubble of light can be used or called upon whenever you wish; it is
particularly effective in physically dangerous situations or to block the fear of others in entering into
your consciousness and energy.
At this time of humanity’s ascension I have been advised by the Creator and feel it in my soul
that a new protective bubble is needed, one that isn’t so strong and also protects by aligning the
person with the light of the Creator, Angels or Ascended Masters. The previous protection was
almost like a metal shield surrounding you, where the new protection will allow your energies to
breathe, be free and requires you to hold a greater sense of mastery over your being and
responsibility over your actions.
The new triple bubble of protection will consist of a pure white bubble at the very edge of the
person’s auric field. The pure white light almost acts as a filter dissolving negative thoughts and
emotions that are sent to the person or created by the individual. It also has a radiance which aids
connection with the Creator and guides as well as drawing positive energies and soul energies
from within the person’s being. Therefore when the person feels like they need protection, they will
not so much be shielded but their own inner power and light will be activated to be of service to
them in the most appropriate way.
The second bubble of protection remains the same electric blue light due to the harmful
energies of the Earth still remaining present with the power of weakening the auric field and energy
of the soul. It is due to this that the electric blue light must remain present in my protection. The
electric blue light will protect you from electrical energies, chemicals and the negative
consciousness that is created when humanity focuses upon similar thoughts, fears or outcomes.
The electric blue light can appear almost as a barrier of light in order to ensure protection.
The third bubble of protection that completes Archangel Michael’s triple bubble of protection is of a
golden light. This is actually the Christ Consciousness light which has been sourced at this time
from the angelic kingdom, it is an active love energy that will create and attract the energy of love.
The power of love is becoming well known now on the Earth and so it is the appropriate time to
allow the energy of love to act as a protection for all. The energy of love will dissolve negativity of
all kinds and will also bring situations about to allow negativity, chaos or fear to be resolved in a
harmonious way. The golden bubble of protection also hold wisdom which will be appropriate for
the individual and will inspire the individual to work in a more loving way, to radiate love from their
heart and soul therefore increasing their level of protection.
The new triple bubble of protection of a white, electric blue and golden colour is far lighter in its
vibration and charged with such sacred light, it is akin to a cocoon of light that supports the
individual’s process of spiritual growth. The bubble is a radiant light and so protects the person by
enhancing their light rather than shielding their light. You can see that the new triple bubble of
protection requires for the individual to be more aware of themselves, the energy around them and
what they are creating. This protection has been bought forward now to enhance the light of
humanity but also because humanity has reached a stage where they are more responsible and in
control of their reality and spiritual development on the Earth. The more humanity and lightworkers
master their being, the protection that we offer you will alter to be appropriate for the growth that
has occurred.
You will notice that the shielded bubble has been removed as this would almost make your
energies invisible and felt very solid, if you find the need to aid the shielded bubble for the time
being to the new triple protection you may ask me to achieve this for you, it is appropriate in times
where you feel in danger. I feel that the shielded protection is not needed in most cases as souls
realise that they can resolve all negative situations with the power of their thoughts and radiant
Many of you may ask why you need to ask for protection when you believe that you are always
safe and protected. My answer to you is that if you ask for protection you are increasing the
vibration of light around your auric field which naturally allows you to move with greater ease
through your reality, it also ensures that your auric field isn’t torn by negative thoughts that you or
others create. Another reason is that most people are not yet consciously aware twenty four hours
a day and therefore the mind and energy field can be susceptible to negative influences, thoughts
emotions or fears without the person being consciously aware. If you were to go for a walk on a
windy and rainy day, it is most likely that you would put a coat on to protect your body and skin,
allowing you to feel more comfortable. If you are travelling through your daily routine where you are
meeting people, hearing sounds and music, seeing adverts and picture, entering into different
building where numerous different energies may have been collected and eating food that may
have the consciousness of another embedded into it then it seems to be appropriate that you place
a coat of protection over you to ensure that you remain balanced and in your energies or power at
all times. My triple bubble of protection is simply an added energy, like a coat, that will safeguard
and protect your energies wherever you are whatever you are doing. This doesn’t mean that you
can put your life or energy in dangerous situations you must always be conscious of your actions
and thoughts and there implications in your life, my bubble of protection is simply a thin coat to
ensure your protection and boost your light.
It is my wish for you to practice using my triple bubble of protection in the morning or before
meditation. Allow yourself to then sit in the energy to see if it is appropriate for you. I will offer you
an invocation to assist you in anchoring this new triple bubble of protection into your energy.
‘Beloved Archangel Michael, I call upon your energy, light, guidance and protection now. Please
surround me in love and place around my auric field and being your new triple light bubble of
protection. Surround me in a pure white bubble of protection, a vibrant electric blue bubble of light
and a sacred golden bubble of light to ensure my protection on all levels of my being at all times.
Ensure that I only experience the love of the Creator in my reality and energy. I am safe and
protected always.
Thank you.’
I hope that you will enjoy experiencing the magnificent energy of this new bubble of protection, you
are truly deserving of this protection because it is a celebration of your growth and devotion.
I am Archangel Michael, I will always be here to protect and love you.
With the blessings of the Creator,
I am Archangel Michael
Thank you for this =)
Thank you for this =)