I don't think August could get more intense if it tried! We all have been energetically battered (in a really... eventually... good way). We are ALL becoming new, whatever that means (smile). This blog is usually about what I have seen and experienced via the massage table or phone readings, not today. I have done neither since leaving New Mexico on July 29th. I simply can't. It feels like every energy strand I have in place is filled with a really thick dripping of molasses, or honey (both equally thick.) I have been sleeping day and night and eating anytime I am awake. I know this place well, been here before, but so long ago, one can forget what an amazing place we are in really. A massive upgrade is well underway in this land of matter! But also... the molasses covering of our energy streams, is also an intense form of protection too... as the energies change.
That fear layer is in the midst of exploding, or maybe, imploding. We are all bearing witness to it. Just look at how crazy the stock market has been, the infighting in congress, the fires and rioting in London, and the list goes on.
For me, I have been having a really really hard time being near anything "electronic" since I left New Mexico. I cannot bear to be on the phone, on the internet for too long, even watching a movie on TV is done in spurts. We may not realize how much infiltrates us via our electronic devises... hence the goo for brains (smile) moment in our time.
I also know for me, when I am in the midst of a super upgrade I am totally disconnected from spirit (or at least that's how it feels... I refer it to it as being as psychic as a wet noodle.) And I sleep all the time (my body's way of integrating the deeper energy fields) and I eat a lot, because growing takes energy. And then of course, we have that wonderful tell-tale sign we all love... weight gain! That is the (my) body's way of insulating itself from the new higher energies bouncing around.
A new thing that has happened (and is still happening) during this intense energy shift, my right ear (spiritual hearing) has been ringing off the hook since I woke up in Virginia (8/4), not to mention the auditory canal has been blocked. Which I find really annoying because everything I say and hear is amplified in my head but all crackly due to the buzzing sound that is over the top. My body tells me not to worry, my mind however keeps yelling "stop the insanity." I even broke down and went too the doctors and got an ear flush, to no avail. (I really do know better.)
So the message today... for those of us going thru this intense inner shift, just hang on... the best is yet to come!
I cannot wait to be able to "see" how this is changing us (as well as what will be required of us). And you know, the moment I have my spiritual clarity/connectivity back, I will be writing away about it all.
Until then... remember (smile): This is just so exciting!
Together... We Are One!!
Lisa Gawlas