Lakota Dakota Sacred Prayer ~ Wakan Wochekiye

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Published on Nov 29, 2012 by TolecfromDakote

Wakan Wochekiye - A Dakota & Lakota Sacred Prayer

This prayer was given to me in a rapid dream sequence & vision back in the summer of 2008. I give all thanks & blessings to - Tunkashina / Tunkashila, Great Grandfather, Wakan Tanka, the Creator, Great Mystery - for sharing this beautiful and sacred prayer with me. Ninety 99% of what you read is in its original form as I remembered it and excitedly wrote it down coming out of sleep... that is except for some minor punctuation.

I hope these words touch your soul deeply as they did me.

This prayer is a gift to all of the Dakota, Lakota, Nakota... and all other indigenous people to Grandmother, Mother & Turtle Island.

For the sake of clarification, the planet Dakote, home ancestral planet to the Dakota, Lakota, Nakota & many other Native People... it is in the Taygeta star system, located in Winchincala Sakowin, the Seven Sisters, known by the Lakota as the - 7 Little Girls, known by most people as - the Pleiades constellation.


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