Important Message from The Earth Allies About The Galactic Alignment

Lia's picture


The Energy of December 21st, 2012


The Earth's Destiny is about to be Fulfilled, the Emergence of Unconditional Love is being Birthed on this Planet within every Beating Heart. This Love will be making its presence Known to the Inner Heart of everyone.  As this Love arrives in full intensity, this energy will flow through everyone's Hearts, where the Truth of One's being comes Alive. This will be arriving from  All The Alignments, Events, Portals, and Stargates of this Magical Month of December.


The Paradise of the Original Plan for Planet Earth=Heart is unfolding. The Shift for this manifestation is occurring within the Center of all that is, which is LOVE, and ONLY LOVE. This Shift into Oneness is Happening Now and will climax on December 21st, 2012. This IS an Unstoppable Energy which is arriving and is Going to Burst Forth into All Of Humanity's Dna and Body Holograms. As Per The Decree Given To Humanity By MotherEarth and The Company of Heaven.


 Within this Planet's Destiny a Brilliant Light, a BlueStarseed Nation Is Born. True Divine Love from within every HUman Being on the Planet will burst forth and emerge, then they will give birth from inside of their Soul, as a fire burning of Truth and Reality, this will immediately assist Humanity to recognize the oneness of all that IS. This is the Birth of the Higherself into The Physical Manifest~




This incoming Event includes, all the Inhabitants on Planet Earth=Heart and Beyond, Into the Destiny of the Birth of a New Day, a New Dawn, A New Beginning which has no end, Heaven on Earth.


The Brilliance and Light is shining upon Planet Earth.


This unstoppable energy of Pure Unconditional Love will be entering into every Heart and every atom which exists in all Of Creation. From Now and Especially on December 21st, this energy of Love and Light will be arriving in Full Intensity to Planet Earth , as we close out this cycle of duality. Indeed this is the end of the dinosaurs rule.


Guaranteed through these intense bursts of Light Energy, the darkness or lower energies will not be able to be here on Planet Earth=Heart. 


Photo By Earth Ally Will Harader


The Moment Has Come and Light and Love has prevailed.


We are now entering in Moments of a Light Up or Turn ON [Like Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer], this means Lights ON.


The Light is shining Bright, Birthing True Unconditional Love
on the Planet, assisting All Of Humanity into their Oneness=The Complete Balanced Harmonics male=female, which this energy  reconnects Humanity all into the ONE. This Was the Divine Plan and the True Divine Intervention unfolding Now. They call this Firing all cylinders, with a Gigantic lift up~


 This powerful energy is permeating from the very essence of the Atoms, Your Atoms. Spirit has Awakened, right Here in the Manifest.... and everything now Must Align with the Light of this Brilliance, of Pure Heart Consciousness=The Unified Field.


Through this Event is The Birth, of Pure Joy and when you get there, the JOY will burst forth from the inside of your Being. Can we Get a Yah! Ra!

 Love yourselves and Love each other for we are all Equal to each
other, We are ONE...Be Love and Say Love!


Artwork By FatherGod MotherEarth=Heart's Acsension


 PS ~ With All of December's Events, The GIG Is Up for THOSE WHO THOUGHT THEY WERE LESS THAN LIGHT SPEED VIBRATION, Love has tipped the scales so To Speak. Love is at the Forefront, and This is Loves Call! Everything changes because of this Truth.


