Animal Tracks By Mish Whalen, TODAY
Jeff Moore / Splash News
There is something uniquely touching about an animal wearing a cast, and Bootsie the hedgehog is no exception. Some kids in London found the young male struggling along with injured feet. Happily, Bootsie is now being cared for at Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital in England, which calls itself the "world's busiest wildlife hospital." For an injured hedgehog, there is no better place to be than Tiggywinkles, which treats more than 10,000 animal injuries per day free of charge.
It turned out that Bootsie had two fractured front feet. Tiggywinkles founder Les Stocker said, "Bootsie was found walking on his knuckles because his wrists were injured. We reset the wrists and plastered the legs and he now has a shallow food bowl to make it easier to eat."
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