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According to ancient annals, the time of the prophecies is drawing near. But this we say to you now, these prophecies have no time limit. They have no stationary point, they are moveable teachings, teachings which are designed to make man more aware of that which is changing and that which needs to change.
For this reason we are beginning the downloads of the New Egypt. These codes are codes of practice, designed to move man along one of the prophetic paths as set out by the prophets, both ancient and modern.
For this reason too do we impose ourselves on the will of humankind. In order to affect the way man’s mind works we need to install new ways of thinking, new codes for living, new ideas of survival. Only with these new codes can man survive the changes which are always upon him. There is no time when changes are not happening. But man sees only from his own perspective and time frame, and so the prophecies seem to take on a meaning, a life of their own if you will. But they are not the end, they are always ‘beginning’ for they are designed to be a process, and not an event.

Try this now: Imagine that you are living in a time of great change, such as the current one for instance. Now cast your consciousness back to a previous time in your long existence on planet earth. Try to find a time where there was no change, of any kind whatsoever. Now, once you have found such a time, see, with your inner eye and imagine what this life must have appeared to be from the perspective of your fellow man in that time. What were his thoughts do you think? What perspective on change did he hold? What did he feel about his life path and the paths of others?

View his life from his perspective and see how the prophecies might have taken hold. Did they apply to him? Or to some future time? Are these prophecies always ‘in the future’? Or are they for ‘Now’. Use your spiritual mind here, do not think about what appears, but allow the images of man’s memory to arise in your mind, then watch as they evolve.
When you have done this you will understand what prophecy truly means and how to work with them. For they are codes, codes to be deciphered and understood so that the right path is always taken. They are not designed to instil fear in human hearts but to inspire hope!
We leave you now with this maxim: leave all but the most positive outcomes behind you now. Leave the world of care and woe and design a future based on love and support. All of humanity will one day find this support but first it must change its views and understanding of how the Mother consciousness works in their hearts. And in order to do this they must understand that prophecy is not an end unto it self but a means to change such thoughts and beliefs, ensuring a loving, supportive future for all.
That is all.

The masters of Time. Adonai.

