Published on Dec 20, 2012
Dear Ascension Pioneers!
Can You believe that the December Solstice and the Grand Alignment is finally here? Sometimes it felt like forever, and yet it came in the blink of an eyelash. The Grand Alignment is a sacred experience that happens approximately only once every 26,000 years. There are also other alignments taking place, and it's all serving as a grand opening for what is yet to come in the coming years. We are in for a year of new beginnings on many different levels. No one on this planet knows about the time frame of certain events, but many of us feel the changes that are ahead of us. It shall take our group effort and co-creation to bring about the kind of world that we wish to live in. We will be rebalancing this world, once again co-existing as perfect Divine masculine and feminine counterpart embodiments of Spirit. This is how we will be creating a whole New Era of Human kind, once again taking a stand as Source connected Beings who are living their full Divine potential, within perfect Divine remembrance. Everyone of us has a sacred Divine purpose within the Whole, and we shall each hear this calling. Remember that there is only Divine Love in the middle of everything, in the Heart and Mind of All Creation. So in between all the dark and Light, there is equilibrium, and everything is always in perfect balance. The Divine pendulum knows how to swing and when, and we are in one of such times ... when there shall be a full swing!
When You are in your sacred Silent space of your radiant Presence during this December Solstice, know that your Divine remembrance is returning, as we are all being gathered up in the womb of the Divine mother. It is there for You, if You only ask for it. So go ahead and ask! You can have and create anything that You wish to experience, as long as it is in perfect alignment with your Higher Self, the Divine Will and the purity of your Divine Love Essence. I AM wishing You the most profound transition that You have ever experienced. All You have to do is open yourself up to receive all the Love from our Source. Just Be and feel the silent reverence for all Life in Creation. This is the moment You have been waiting for ... this is the real You ... this is Home! You have returned ... we have returned ... together as One!
Within Divine Love, Polona