-Our Sun has an 11 year sunspot cycle at which it' s poles shift. The Sun is more intense right now, the pole shifts have not happened before at the same time as such activity according to NASA.
There is a bigger picture to see the correlation to the cycles that the planets have and what happens during these cycles. (David Wilcock's book The Source Field Investigation looks at this and more.) Solar Flares along with a variety of cycles that are also lining up are part of bigger Divine plan in motion. The latest scientific findings underscore what was documented thousands of years ago by our ancient ancestors, the ones who most accurately told us of the changes which are occurring at this time. " It will come from the sky - and you will be different." "Watch the Sun - as it will begin beyond our star". "You will come into the 5th World - it will be initiated by a new element we call Ether". As an aspect of the Mayan calendar completes on 21st Dec. then on the 22ed Dec. commences the historical moment when the Sun begins to change its dynamic relationship with Earth and All life upon this Earth. It will greatly intensify its light for the unfoldment of the Golden Age to begin. The Divine plan for humanity and Earth will officially start to unfold in 2013 and beyond.
The Solar wind/Solar Flares are one of the mechanisms of the Shift of the Ages that creates this higher dimension. Billions upon billions of tons of charged plasma have bathed the Earth from the Sun since the 1987 Harmonic Convergence. The energy given off by Solar Flares is magnetic and has a powerful influence on not only electrical equipment, the earths electromagnetic fields which has a dramatic effect on Earth's weather, such as earthquakes... It also effects our energy fields as we are naturally electromagnetic beings. So the Sun's charged particles have an effect on humans too, which science has documented. Mitch Battros believes " it will be the magnetic influence produced by the Sun which will usher in what is described by our ancient ancestors as "the transition" bringing the Earth and us to a new state-of-being". On his research he has looked at things from scientific findings to ancient text. http://www.earthchangesmedia.com
The Sun has been increasing its coronal mass ejections, solar storms creating what is called solar winds that have been greater and greater in intensity, some of the largest ever recorded. Additionally NASA says in 2012 our Sun undergoes an important change. The polls of the Sun will shift. They will shift from the magnetic north pole pointing through the Sun's southern hemisphere. This transition happens, as far as we know, at the peak of every 11 year sunspot cycle.
but this will happen at a time when the activity is more intense according to NASA, then ever experienced before.
So you ask what is the role of this and the solar winds, flares, or the coronal mass ejections on the ascension of the planet. We are told that this is changing the vibration that affects the earth. These change the frequencies at which humanity's minds operate. They provide the interface to higher dimensional access.
How does this work? The energy that comes from the coronal mass ejections is being absorbed into the tectonic plates of the earth and increasing the vibratory resonance of the earth through that method. These work particularly with certain power points and sacred sites. Particularly those of geometric crystalline overlay. .
These then move through the entire node systems of the earth grid system. If such coronal mass ejections create such a vibration, then the entire electromagnetic flow of the earth is affected. The tides are affected, the tectonic plates, the mind of humanity is affected, how humanity creates the reality in which we live, the illusion we believe, how we feel toward our own life. All of this is affected by the photon energy that comes from the sun, and from the solar wind and flares. www.Earth-Keeper.com James Tyberonn, AA Meatron This plasma creates an ionic ratio shift that absolutely aids in opening our pineal. The gateway to creation. The crystalline expansion into a higher dimensions allows greater crystalline energy that also assists in theta access via the pineal.
It has been said that the most INTENSE out pouring begins on Dec. 22 2012 when our Sun begins to change its dynamic relationship with Earth an all life upon Earth. This will greatly intensifying its Light for the unfoldment of the next of the "Shift of the Ages" which brings forth the Golden Age. www.akashaonline.com Indeed, there are myriad other celestial energy sources that are having a great effect upon the ascension, beyond coronal mass ejections. There is also the alignment with the Photon band and the Great Central Sun. It is best to say that the our Sun coordinates all the others as well. When there are other photon rays of influence, even these are absorbed, coordinated and reflected by our Sun.
The Central alignment with the Photon Band and Central Sun
This year the Sun and our entire Solar System are fully within the Photon Band of light. This runs through the Galactic Centre of our Milky Way. The Milky Way is a photon band of light. The band transverses all the way through the Milky Way and through our Central Sun Alycone and beyond. This puts us also in alignment with this brightest star in our night sky that is the Central Sun Alcyone, it is part of the Pleides constellation.
The Photon Band is made up of photons which are the smallest possible particles that act as earners of electromagnetic energy. A Photon has zero mass- no electrical charge. The Photon Band has been one of the facilitators in directing this electromagnetic energy light frequency energies to earth. As we received the amplified light frequencies through the Photonic Rays of light from the Photon Band for the surrounding stars solar system and Galactic Centers, we convert this light energy into electrons and spin the sub atomic particles within our bodies in increased light frequencies. We need to align to these waves to have a peaceful and loving transition into 2012. Now our Sun, our Central Sun Alcyone and the Galactic Centre are aligned within the Photon belt, we have the opportunity of fulfilling The Great Shift. A shift into a more conscious way of being. http://www.universallifetools.com/waveoflove/about_2012.html 11/18/2008 and http//www.youtube.com/user/AnritaMelchizedek
This is higher vibration of light than we have experienced on this earth plane. It has been referred to as a love wave. This great shift leads us into a greater consciousness. By aligning and working with these energies on a physical, emotional and spiritual levels we awaken dormant energy centers and begin vibrating a higher level. 2012 shows that the vibrational / spiritual effects of the Galactic Center alignment will actually be INCREASING from this point on over the coming years. This means that every Winter Solstice in the immediate future, we will have increasing Galactic Center energies resonating with the Earth, which we can use for our spiritual evolution - but we must also consciously balance these energies, in order to use them safely and not be destabilized by them. info@vesica.org
The Photon Rays of Light have been stimulated through the super electron (super electron is a life activating transmutation force for us at our current dimension). This manifests as Photon Rays of Light using the sub electron on our earth plane. For the earthy electron is a sub electron within the super electron, the sole electron of our Multi Universe. As we receive the amplified Light frequencies through the Photonic Rays of Light from the surrounded stars, solar systems and the Galactic Center, we convert this Light energy into electrons and within our bodies in increased light frequencies. Photons, which are formed through the collision of an electron and its anti-particle opposite, the positron, produce two quanta of Light. And the super-electron is a Life activating force which impulses the transmutation These Photon Rays which we have been experiencing further facilitate the clearing of karma, which is one of the reasons why so much clearing has individually and collectively taken place on Mother Earth. And now, in this grand Galactic alignment of Light, we experience this Gateway of Divine Love, into the Cosmic Heart of All Creation in non-duality and One Unity Consciousness,amplified through the energy vibration of the Photon Rays, now experienced through the electron, a much higher vibration of Light than we have currently experienced on this Earth plane.
What is clear in our perception is that the electromagnetic energy known as the alignment of the Central Sun is going to create a new wave of electromagnetic field waves. These new electromagnetic field waves will be experienced in this sector of the galaxy. These new electromagnetic field waves will include thought particle systems and new strands of light field energy. These new strands will be activating and stimulating the space-time portals or the space-time of the galaxy in this section. These space-time openings in the fabric are going to allow more visitations from other parts of the galaxy to the Earth. It is going to allow a greater influx of light and energies from other parts of the galaxy. This means that a huge energetic influx is going to occur. This influx will not just come from the Central Sun. The activation energies from the wave of electromagnetic light are going to open up new corridors of the space-time continuum that will directly result in more Earth sightings and direct interaction of higher dimensional beings. On the Dec. 21 alignment he planet will experience a heightened energy and an excitement energy from the electrification of the aura of the Earth the fully activated crystalline grid. This will be An electromagnetic charge, an electromagnetic shift in frequencies for the planet and in this part of the galaxy. The shift electromagnetically is going to open certain portals in hyperspace. These portals are sometimes in the fabric of the space-time continuum. They are going to be accessible are are going to be made visible. So you see, the alignment with the Central Sun and the Earth affects the Earth and all living things on it, but it also will be affecting this entire section of this solar system. www.groupofforty.com 2012 shows that the vibrational / spiritual effects of the Galactic Center alignment will actually be INCREASING from this point on over the coming years. This means that every Winter Solstice in the immediate future, we will have increasing Galactic Center energies resonating with the Earth, which we can use for our spiritual evolution - but we must also consciously balance these energies and ground to the Earth, in order to use them safely and not be destabilized by them. info@vesica.org
Most commercial planes fly at altitudes of 35,000 feet, in the stratosphere, and effectively outside the regulatory pulse of the Schumann Resonance.
We are electrical Beings and the Earth's surface is electrically conductive. As reported in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health has stated:
"It is an established, though not widely appreciated fact, that the Earth's surface possesses a limitless and continuously renewed supply of free or mobile electrons. … Mounting evidence suggests that the Earth's negative potential can create a stable internal bioelectrical environment for the normal functioning of ALL body systems." There is growing research showing that this connection to the Earth's surface plays a vital role in preventing disease and offers a host of other benefits. "Every living thing, including human beings, draw electron energy through our feet in the form of free electrons fluctuating at many frequencies. These frequencies reset our biological clock and provide the body with electrical energy. The electrons themselves flow into the body, equalizing and maintaining it at the electrical potential of the Earth. Just like standard electronic equipment that needs a stable ground to function well, so, too, the body needs stable grounding to function well.
So our planet is currently in the midst of the greatest transformation it has ever experienced. The different cycles have been synchronizing with the alignment with the Central Sun, Photon Band, and the Earth. On Dec. 21st the planet has experienced a heightened energy of all the photon energy from these and an excitement energy from the electrification of the 144 crystalline energy grid that surounds the Earth that became fully activated on 21st. This is transferred on to us, so our souls are experiencing an increase in this magnetism, meaning our cells are virtually being energetically lifted or magnified. We are Earth beings calibrated to Earth's frequency. So I concluded that to fly on 21 of Dec. was not in our best interest as we would be limiting receiving the energies that will be available on that day. As it is such a special day every precious minute should be utilized. Our feet need to be planted firmly on the earth on this time so we are activated and connected to this magnificent event and our lovely earth as she makes her transition. Our "sacred mission" at this time involves reconnecting with Mother Earth. Time to open our hearts, let go of fear and embrace love as we celebrate our arrival of the The Golden Age.
Time to plan your days, 21 Dec.- 23 Dec!! Lots to choose from. Have a joyful and peaceful time!Online Event Marathon - 3 Days 12-21-12 thru 12-23-12
website schedule and locations www.birth2012.com, 3 Days 12-21-12 thru 12-23-12
**Ascension Talk & Chanting class by telconference on 21 Dec. this has already taken place, but you can listen on the recorded line 1-760 569 7229 Access code 1059034# premierlifewellness@gmail.com
GCI Winter Solstice and December Full Moon Synchronized Care Focus
In order for GCI members around the world to participate at a convenient time, we have chosen 4 a.m., 12:00 p.m. (noon), and 8 p.m. Pacific Time (GMT/UTC minus 8 hours) when GCI members in the Global Care Room can do the Care Focus together.*To join the GCI Care Focus in the Global Care Room, you can enter the room directly from www.globalcarerooms.org/rooms/waiting/gci.
Higher Balance meditations Dec. 21 & 22 To join the meditation and see scheduled
"The World is Changing" ~ Webcast @ http://www.drunvalo.net/upcomin... December 20,21 & 22 2012 3:40am MST, 10:40AM UTC on the Dec. 21. On Dec 22 10:00am MST, 17:00 UTC
The Twelth Initiatory of Light, telewebinar conference with Anrita Melchizedek 22 Dec. 7 pm GMT/UTC, 11am PST