12-24-12 Bill Ballard ~ Happy HolyDays To All ~ We HAVE Certainly Shifted

Lia's picture

Published on Dec 24, 2012

Happy 2012 HolyDays to ALL! WE have definitely shifted and collectively into a Higher Dimensional Gear. Acceleration has begun as we continue our travels into the New Earth and hang on... The bliss IS increasing as we pick up speed. Wow is all I can say as I feel the incoming energies this wonderful day!


I can feel the truth and am reassured so much by your words.

Cherie's picture

The time between the 11/22 and now have been nothing short of a incredible blissful, chaotic, disorienting experience and of all people you have provided so much grounding. My mission is somewhat different and I AM only now finding out the real magnitude of it. Of course, I volunteered to be kept back for my role to start and although I always knew where my heart lay I had not in this lifetime been through the same preparations you and others had so boy was I hit upside the head. Since the 12/21 my 5D self has taken over the controls and I sure related to the shifting of gears. Luckily I was able to take time off work but do have to go back on the 26th and I do feel I AM will be ready. It has caused for a lot of confusion prior to that as the visions and high vibrations while not at all scary in the traditional sense sure have made me cautious of being around others. Also, as I have not been part of or thought I was not connected (of course I am) it was also a challenge. I am now finding my soul group and getting much more balanced. I am so grateful for your grounded messages as that is exactly where I need to be. The revelations have been coming almost hourly it seems but today I was finally able to find where I belong. It is truely amazing what is unfolding on a positive note. Of course, my impatience is still something I am dealing with not in a negative way just ready to be all hands on deck to start the good stuff. I have never been a great waiter and want to say how much I admire your ability to stand back which I feel I am learning. Once I integrated into 5D it was a real trip as I was disoriented going back and forth but although the energys keep increasing I feel more conformtable in my new skin. It is going to be so great to help people realize how incredible the new world is when they are ready to make the perceptual shift which is happeningĀ  all the time. I am a healer so it thrills me to no end. Anyway, thank you so much for being a free spirit-in that I do recognize a kindred spirit. It is interesting how many vairations our sould groups are perceiving and it seems my job or part of it is to be somewhat of a guage for people to make sure we are not impoosing our will on others while maintaining unity. I have totally isolated to get rid of triggers or am at least trying to and really appreciate someone like yourself who is showing the way to stay centered and to love what you aren't. I have definately done this before or wouldn't have had a clue but as I write this i am feeling much more settled even though energys are still going on. I am and unknown to most of you so that has made me very humble. I feel you will understand. With much gratitude I wish you Namaste.