Ashtar ~ We Shall Be Empowering
Golden Age Governments!~
"Greetings, Beloved Family! In our upcoming gathering, we shall be further empowering the changes which are taking place in governments around the World! You are by now aware of the stories of Truth which are streaming out so fast as to cause the sinking of the boats of the dark hats who have been ruling Planet Earth for these past eons. Ah yes, those leaky boats which we told you about in the very beginning of our mission of Ashtar on the Road - they are sinking fast. Indeed, some of them have already gone down out of sight, so to speak, and, we are now in the process of offering the lifelines to all who have come up to tread the surface of the waters. Indeed, some are wanting to give up their domineering ways, and now seek the Light of Love with which to empower themselves!
"However, while we shall continue to encourage the dark hats to come to the path of the Light, we are happy to report that the Lovelight has prevailed. All of you, Beloved Family, and those who are about to awaken, are on the very edge of the last of the darkness before the great dawning of the Light of the Golden Age!!! It is to add your voices to our invitation to even more of the World to wake up and rejoice that this is so!
"Yes, we know that you are weary in this moment, and that weariness does not feel empowering. Just know that we are here in service to you, so that you can join with us in energizing these wondrous changes! Together, we are accomplishing it all, and even now, you can verify the results as you read and hear the news of the World. The voices of Freedom continue to shout, while those who have been in the ruling seats feel their leaky boats sinking, faster and faster. There are many Volunteers worldwide, meanwhile, who are fully ready to launch the new vessels of True Service upon the Joyful Seas of Love and Healing for the Planet!
"We would call your attention to one individual in particular, who is President Obama. He is doing his mission impeccably, so well, in fact, that there is confusion even among the Lightworkers as to which type of hat he wears. Once again we tell you that he wears the white hat, and that he is allowing all of the dark ones to reveal themselves, so that the humans who are still asleep will be able to understand why these sweeping changes are taking place. It is for us, Beloved Family, to join him in filling the airwaves with Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude, in order to bring about these changes even more swiftly - even as we say 'good-bye' to the tyrants and to the dualites they have used to literally divide and conquer!
"When next we gather, we shall be filling the World with our visions of high dimensional governments of, by and for the communities of the World. We shall be discussing councils, in which everyone will have an opportunity to participate, each according to his/her own interests and passions. We shall be radiating the energies of Oneness and Love, and we shall be further empowering the missions of Obama and all of the Volunteers of the Light who stand ready to step into their roles in the new governments of the Golden Age!!!
"We invite you to join with us in co-creation and facilitation of these momentous changes, and we can assure you that success will be ours. Indeed, it is already seen to be so, because you, Beloved Family, empower it with your loving participation!!! And so it is - Salut!"
Given through Susan Leland, August 21, 2011.
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