Published on Jan 1, 2013
Dear Ascension Pioneers!
Happy New Year, beloved Ones! A whole New Year now lies ahead of us, and my wishes for it are: Peace, Joy, Unity, Freedom of Being and the Grace of our I AM Presence within Divine Love. It is time to start moving deeper into connecting and Community. When we share ourselves with all, we pass on the torch of our Love-Light! My best wishes for all of us in this 2013, the year of the God-Goddess merging as One!
So may this be a year of peace, joy, freedom of Being and community! A magical New Year is here for us all!
Do we dare to go deeper within? Do we wish to reach even further with opening our Hearts and expanding our wings?
Yes we do!
Welcome, 2013!
Within Divine Love, Polona
P.S. Here is my article: