~ Message from The Earth Allies~ The Truth About Creation

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings!

WE ARE HERE TO GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO BE THE LOVE YOU TRULY ARE, YOUR “DIVINITY”.  Can ignorance give you your “DIVINITY”? Of course not, ignorance is not real and is a LIE.  WE ARE FROM THE “DIVINE” WHERE ALL WHICH EXISTS IS TRUTH, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, AND COMPASSION.  Are you going to resist yourself, or Let go so you can receive?

What is Creation? In Truth Creation is Self~ Evident, We do not control, Creation, WE JUST PARTICIPATE WITHIN IT. Creation is the understanding of all Energy and How it is utilized. Creation energy is always used “FOR THE GREATEST GOOD,HIGHEST BENIFET FOR THE ALL, FOR THE GREATEST NUMBER. 


Some of you may be observing what the “Hopi's” said about seeing others eyes, looking like black holes, which is the life force energy being “sucked” out of the being, this means they have chosen fear, and the energy being sucked out is being returned back into Creation to be transformed into the Highest Possible thought. Also these others will not be able to see you, its the Truth of the “deaf, dumb, and blind”, this is just the Honest Truth, for they cannot see the Light. Ignorance has absolutely no life force energy, it is the absence of Light. While “Divine Intelligence” is the True Light, Alive, Awake, Aware, and with the Experience of Love Everywhere Present. In True Reality, the Energy of Creation is always expressed as the HIGHEST THOUGHT OF LOVE BEING EVERYWHERE PRESENT. Ignorance is nowhere present, and does not see or notice when True Reality is being Presented to them. ENERGY=EVERYTHING! Again we say Creation utilizes energy always in the HIGHEST POSSIBLE THOUGHT, ALWAYS, YOU CAN CALL US “ALLWAYS, ALLWAYS” LAND, AND ignorance “never, never” land. Ignorance attempted to use Creational energy for its own demise, so We are Helping and assisting in ignorance's own self destruction. Creation, Love Based Energy, is Eternal, FOREVER, AND FOREVER, GRANDER AND GRANDER. Illusion is like all your Hollywood Movies, all of you are Actors, play acting as if you are in control. SO ALL YOU ARE ACCOMPLISHING IS RUNNING AROUND IN CIRCLES. In circles you go nowhere, because this is how ignorance runs in the program.

Love, Creation goes Everywhere, LOVE IS SELF-EVIDENT, because THIS IS THE HIGHEST TRUTH. THERE IS ONLY “ONE” “TRUTH” THAT EXISTS AND THAT IS LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT, DO YOU SEE THIS? LOVE IS ALL THERE IS, AND ALL THAT TRULY EXISTS.  Creation is not a play, or a hollywood movie, or a Broadway play. Creation is not a Game, Creation has no past, no future. All IS JUST LOVE  EVERYWHERE PRESENT, IN THE NOW ALWAYS EVERY MOMENT.


Love The Earth Allies



An Isle, a nation

Legalize Freedom's picture

"Ignorance is nowhere present, and does not see or notice when True Reality is being Presented to them."
So true

Ignorance attempted to use Creational energy for its own demise, so We are Helping and assisting in ignorance's own self destruction."
The song annihilation covered by a perfect circle is very profoundly about this entire topic, its really good.