The Planetary Grid Transmissions
New Moon Friday ~ January 11. 2013
With unified meditation, receiving and
transmitting during 4 synchronized times:
Sydney, Australia: 8 pm
Country of India: 8 pm
Paris, France: 8 pm
New York, USA: 9 pm
Unified Focus ~ Integration & Rest
Dear Solar Family,
As we move forward with our Grid Transmissions Program, we lovingly send the utmost heart-light and appreciation to all of you for your support and your participation in the Rites of Passage, and all that we have accomplished together in 2012, enabling our group soul to pass through the great cosmic portal of 12:21 and enter the eternal unknown of 2013. We wish love, peace, joy and miracles for you and your family for this upcoming year!
We have all received such great downloads of light codes and DNA upgrades through the Rites of Passage and the corresponding incoming galactic waves of light.
Let us now pause within this stillpoint for integration and rest. As the Creator Elohim paused on the 7th day, so we must use this moment of no-time to integrate all the cosmic love and light that has entered our planetary field and our personal energy bodies. This outpouring from the Divine is so vast and intense that all Planetary Light Servers are now requiring much rest during which to absorb and become comfortable with the increased energetic vibration.
Be still and become comfortable with this higher vibration. Be still and know that I AM God.
As we continue to transmit from the Planetary Crystalline Grid on the New and Full Moon, we will continue to support those who still struggle to integrate, purge and cleanse. Many who are not grounded are having difficulties with the intensity of the new frequencies as their emotional body and nervous system struggles to find balance.
We must prepare ourselves now for the greater work of assisting the awakening mass public.
Rest and integrate, dear family, the next phase of our planetary service will soon be upon us. Breathe in the Divine Love, Will and Light that permeates our being and our Group Avatar.
We Are One. We Are United. We Are Blessed.