Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~
Greetings Love Beings, We have just gone through an Incredible Full Moon in Leo which rules the Heart. As a result, Many Heart activations have taken Place intensely over the past 72 hours. This has Definitely Lit UP the Higher Grid and is Quickly moving us forward into an Exciting Energetic February in the Oneness Energies. Lots of cleansing is also underway collectively as the old paradigm continues to die and this includes all ego. The Higher Selves Are Now Going to Arrive IN Physical Manifestation. The Human Angels Are Truly Awake, Prepared and Ready at the Front Lines. The Light's Victory Is Arriving Fully.
Royalty~ We are The Ones We Have Been Waiting for
Quoted from Gaia Portal Update "
Rectification of all front line Light Beings is currently ongoing. Such beings will note a heightened sense of purpose; others will note a heightened desire for change in local circumstances.
Inner Recognition of the “Higher Calling” is paramount. Continuous release of paradigms as recent as the prior moment is required.
Rapid upgrades occur for those who recognize their Higher Self as an evolving Light Being. “Evolving” is the key word at this point.
Many of humanity are refusing assistance to higher levels. Such beings will remain in the standard 3D environment throughout this next cosmic cycle. Assistance will be granted at the appropriate time, with the appropriate method.
Follow Inner Guidance. This is the way to Galactic citizenship." End of quote
The Human Angels Are Awake
None of these sunspots is actively flaring. Credit: SDO/HMI
The Sun remains Quiet for the 9th day in a row, and remains no chance for flares. We did have impact from a Solar Wind stream which produced a geomagnetic storm.
NORTHERN LIGHTS: A solar wind stream hit Earth's magnetic field on Jan. 26th, sparking auroras around the Arctic Circle. The moon was full at the same time, shining like a floodlight, but the auroras were bright enough to be seen anyway:
Matt Melnyk took the picture from a spot just outside Edmonton, Alberta. "The Moon was bright but it did not stop the aurora from showing!" he says. "The display started off dim then exploded into a vast array of green and purple."
Earth Report from Earth Ally Rain "On January 22, a 5.8 – 6.0 mag quake struck off the coast of Brazil. It was unusual because it was not near any known fault lines or edges of tectonic plates. There was a 6.0 magnitude earthquake in Tonga on January 27.
The total number of earthquakes every day has decreased over the past few days but of the quakes that are occurring, more are of magnitude 4.5 or greater than before.
Volcanic activity has increased worldwide. There have been daily reports of increased volcanic activity for about a week. For more information, see Increased volcanic activity worldwide in late January 2013
UK cleansing (which started in November) continues snowmelt and heavy rains causing flooding.
The sinkhole in Assumption Parish, Louisiana, has grown due to heavy rains and seismic activity. Now the sinkhole is surrounded by at least 34 bubble sites. The bubble sites were also created by the collapsing salt dome that created the sinkhole.
The two biggest weather stories in the U.S. last year were Superstorm Sandy and the drought. Sandy is gone but the drought continues. The drought has slightly improved in some areas and worsened in others.
U.S. Winter Storm Khan brought a swath of light snow from the Midwest to the Mid-Atlantic on January 25. In the South, freezing rain and sleet led to hundreds of accidents from southeastern Kentucky to eastern Tennessee, far northern Georgia, North Carolina and northern South Carolina.
Canada and the Midwest and Northeast U.S. experienced five days of bitter cold as an arctic blast was created by an unusual warming event in the stratosphere.
Australia is undergoing a period of extended cleansing as well. Recently, Australia experienced a heat wave and temperatures in Syndey reached a record high of almost 115 degrees Fahrenheit. Weather reporters had to create a new color coding system to illustrate the new high temperatures. The heat was accompanied by brush fires that raged across the country. As much as 80% of the country was under a fire watch.
The heat wave in Australia was then broken by the effects of two Tropical Cyclones. One of them, Tropical Cyclone Oswald, has lingered and brought torrential rains, flooding, and tornadoes. Some areas received two feet of rain in one night, thanks to Oswald. Other places received as much as nine and eleven inches in one night.
In the Northern Atlantic, an extratropical storm that brought up to 6" of snow to Maryland on Thursday is rapidly intensifying about 500 miles east of Newfoundland, Canada, and figures to become one of the most intense storms ever observed in the North Atlantic. This storm is expected to be bigger than Superstorm Sandy and ultimately create huge waves off the coast of Iceland, Ireland, and Scotland. It is expected to have an impact on shipping but not on populated land areas.
Suspicious 0bservers notes a decrease in solar activity and suggests we are entering a Maunder Minimum event – a period of prolonged sunspot minimum.
On Feb. 15, a fairly small asteroid will pass by Earth. Asteroid 2012 DA14 is expected to miss our planet by about 20,000 miles. This is one-tenth of the distance to the Moon.
Government officials in Indonesia have announced plans to control flooding in Jakarta by using generators and cloud-seeding measures to defuse and push away rain-laden clouds.
Quoted from Veronica and Montague Keen "...You are seeing the Light and with the light comes love, and this love reconnects you with God (All That Is). You are returning to the universal fold. Link with this love energy, as where there is love, there cannot be fear or illness. Learn once more, to look with love on everything, even those you were encouraged to fear. Your love will dissipate their power over you. Love yourself: this is so important, for if you cannot love yourself, you cannot love anyone or anything else. ...The lack of love is responsible for all that is wrong in your world. Love is energy, beautiful energy. When you have love in your life, you have everything. Think with your heart and live through your heart. The mind is controlled, it is a matrix. In loving those you fear, you neutralise them. That is real power, THE POWER OF LOVE.
As the light of truth appears, it exposes all that kept you in darkness. Though they use their power to keep you ignorant, they are fighting a losing battle. Each time a soul embraces the truth, there is rejoicing here in the world of spirit. We are with you every step of the way. We ask that you step forward and spread the word. Share your knowledge with all you meet, as to open another mind to truth is very rewarding. You do not need weapons to conquer the world, you need love and truth. You are living through the greatest change your planet has ever known. You have chosen to be the ones to remove the dark and return it to the light. Enjoy the journey, for it is the most exciting one of your lives.
I ask all those who link with spirit to offer protection to those in the front line of this transition. Everyone needs to take part. By sending love and light, you, too, are playing a role. It is the biggest role of your life, so much depends on it.
The corruption that was hidden so successfully for generations is now out in the open, exposed in all its depravity. They can no longer control the flow of exposure. All corruption has to be exposed and removed. There is no place for corruption in a world where love and peace rule. No country will be attacked. No people will ever live in fear of war again. You, all of you, are making this happen by embracing the light. ...
The evidence can no longer be kept hidden, it will be exposed for all to see. Truth cannot be denied to you forever. Come together in love and harmony and bring this change about. You have the power to do this. ..." End of quote
Quoted from Sarah Gazala "The power is with the collective at present. Many more are waking to their power and themselves. Which will take me to 12/21/2012 and how many of us shared their disappointment that “nothing” happened. Much has happened though, one only needs to shift their perception. Otherwise, we are in a transitional phase at present. It will take a few more years for the real results to be seen by all. This is only the start. And the potential for all to ascend is very great now. The power again is in the collective. The more who wake the better.
Freedom. You can feel it! The desire to help and assist those around you. You know they are you and you are them. Its not something we say any more but something we feel. Also for those of us who shifted their perception to the new energies you feel the universe is within, so why wouldn't you be connected to everything exterior of self, its all the same. The age of enlightenment requires we assist humanity out of fear and into waking to who they are." End of quote
We will not make predictions, but what we can share with You is that we can see and feel in the Field Already is Huge Energetic Movement in Many Ways In February and Continuing into March due to These New Earth Energies. Truly, a Multi Dimensional Level Energy Event has occurred Since December 21st On this Planet ,The Birth of a Whole New Way of Living. The Following Two Years will Be Love's Years for Love to Truly Be Felt and Experienced By Everyone On this Planet.
Now what? It is time to get really friendly with the unknown that is out in front of us now. The world is going to change, and so are we. There are going to be some surprising changes in the directions in our physical and spiritual lives. Being perplexed by all the myriad of choices will be our constant workmate. We are struggling to get clear about what is next for our lives and our usual guidance is now coming from multiple directions at once . . . and to make to more confusing, all of this guidance feels to be true. We are learning to be multi-dimensional beings and think and live in multiple realties. This wrestling for clear guidance is going to stretch us and help us discover new frontiers of reality.
It is time to quit expecting to be saved or rescued. We have now graduated into multi-dimensional grownups. It is time to re-claim our God given, divine potential, physically and spiritually. It is time to face life full on regarding the work ahead of us; to be responsible human beings and embrace the uncertainty and change in the enviable matrix of possibility ahead, and use it as a vehicle for our growth and awakening. Adversity and challenge will come to us when we fight the changes in direction and hold on to our rigid belief systems...
We have entered a new beginning that has blasted us into a higher frequency. It was an explosion of spirit and evolution. Any negative ego driven program must and will go extinct. The past is quickly becoming a dinosaur. With patience, we will learn to understand and integrate the new higher frequencies that we are now learning to navigate. We may flip flop between the many choices out in front of us until we can hold and maintain a multidimensional perspective. We have the task of unpacking all that transpired during the powerful time of 2012. We have just come from a fever pitched and frantic ending of a huge cycle. Be patient with yourself now, as new cycles always begin slowly and deliberately...." End of Quote
CHANGE IS DEFINITELY AMONG US and those who are in the 5d Energies We are Now Continually Shifting on a Daily basis and adding tremendous amount of Light to the Higher Grid . Many are Now able to keep pace with these energies and are just flowing through In Lots of Overflowing Joy, new expanded awareness, increased connections of Love and are excited About what is Unfolding Currently. We will see many manifestations of Dreams of Love coming true for many to bring More Joy and Unity Energy Into The Planet In the Weeks Ahead.
The Crystal Team through Lindsay Ball"....The excitement that is occurring among awakened souls is growing,and your energies are raising in line with energies on a universal scale. For, dear ones, you are not alone, and as you begin on a conscious level to accept this fact as a fact and not a supposition or a possibility, so you are opening your lines of communication to be in alignment with all other lines of communication being made available to you at this time.....
Can you begin to see and sense the enormous level of communication and the network of love that extends inside and outside your beautiful planet, and how this glorious web enfolds and links you all together?
And as those whose energies are raising, those souls who are waking up, those souls who are on their journey, as their love and light shines brighter and more powerfully, so this adds energy, love and brightness to the energy of the communications network, and inspires, encourages and assists all humanity, all life forms, to grow in spirit, in awareness and ultimately in love....
And so your light will beam out strongly and lovingly for all to see, sense and acknowledge on all levels, you are being fully switched on and linked to your true soul essence, to your true self, to your true path and purpose in this existence that you have chosen to have at this special time. Light and love is being made available on so many levels and one of these is orbs which are beings of light transformed into a state that can manifest within your plane of existence which can bring in intense amounts of guidance, love, inspiration, assistance, and work with you on an energetic level in many ways to assist yourself and other people within your orbit. Your images of orbs can be meditated upon so that you can absorb the beauty and energy of them even though their light being presence has returned to its normal state.
Changes are occurring
These gifts are sent to you and are permitted to be seen via your camera equipment for the benefit of you all at this time. Enjoy their beauty and be grateful for their presence here at this time. And so as all these evidences, and events occur, as more and more awaken to the potentialities and possibilities of what life can be like, and that this can actually happen, changes can occur in a positive way and indeed are occurring, then as we approach these wonderful events, the skies will light up, and joy, celebrations, light and love will be experienced on a massive scale and we await these events with great excitement, love and positivity. So, dear ones, we look forward to seeing the outcome of these events. With our greatest love.“...
We Really Have Only Just Begun in these Energies and We can Anticipate 3 times this amount in The Coming Weeks ahead which will facilitate us In the Co~ Creation of The New Earth. We are set In place as everyone is on the Positive Timeline where All Events Will Serve for the Highest Good and The Greatest Outcome for the Collective on This Planet. This is By Divine Decree.
Decreed by Heaven~ All are On the One Positive Timeline as We move forward in these New Earth Energies. The Human Angels Are Awake, Prepared and Ready for the Next Facet of the Divine Plan. This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.
~Thank You for Spreading These Messages to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~
Just Be Present and Follow the Synchronostic Events!
~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~
We Love You Unconditionally~ Love, The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.
If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:
Thank You For Keeping us Going! We made Our Funding Goal Becuase of ALL Of You! Thank You for Honoring Or Dedication and Constant Service On Planet Earth and All of Humanity. Its OUr Honor to Be here Sharing Truth and To Love You Every Day! Love The Earth Allies
Join us Live Every Saturday and Wednesday for the Internet Love Party. Beginning at At 10:30am Pacific on Wednesdays[ Council Meeting] and Saturdays at 1:30 pm Pacific. Participating in these, you are participating In your role in the Divine Plan To Help Bring in the Higher Energies into the Planet. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~ You can Join us Via this Link:
At this Same Link We will have a One Hour Staff Meeting Every Monday at 10:30am Pacific. All are Welcome! We are also in the Planning stages for a Live Room for people to come into to receive Love and Support.
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~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~
Artwork Thanks to
(Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”, Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.
~WE are Going Home~
~We Mother and Father God, Represent the Atoms you are made of. Our Pineal Glands are Completely activated and opened. We are of "Divine Intelligence", and Represent the 2 becoming ONE. We are also the Very Essence of the Unknowable, which Equals Source, Equals Love, Equals Truth, Equals God, and Equals LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT=YOU.~