~Does God Have Negative Thoughts, Feelings, Or Emotions?~
~Namaste dear friend of life and love! Greetings of peace from my heart to you!:)
The Integrated Spiritual Master never tries to balance his/her lower self with the higher self for he/she realizes that all lower self thinking comes from the negative Ego mind.
He realizes that he/she is Light and no darkness. He/she has come to serve God/ Brahma/Allah/Adonai and the Eternal self and NOT his/her lower self.
He/she balances each and every polarity BUT he transcends the negative Ego Duality! Ponder/Meditate on this! ;)
Sweet beloved Soul YOU are the I AM THAT I AM! You are light and love, you are NOT darkness and fear and you are here to learn to be, demonstrate and embody this great and noble truth in all situations and in all your relationships!
Does God Have Negative Thoughts, Feelings, Or Emotions?
The answer to this question is no, of course not! That is why the definition of God is “God equals man minus ego!” God is an egoless Being! God never ate of the Tree of Good and Evil. That is why God is a Being that knows good without needing evil as a reference point! God has no negative thoughts, no negative feelings or emotions, no negative energy, no negative behavior, and no negative energy in His relationships or in the activity of running His Creation! God just chimed in and added, that He does not have negative energy in running His Business either. God’s Business is not like Donald Trump’s business. It is not about making money – it is about completing His Divine Plan and the Salvation of the Omniverse!
The fourth definition of God is, “God is light!” If God is love, it is also appropriate to say that God is light. Now what is interesting is that, this definition of God also totally relates to the first three perfectly, for another way of saying this definition is “God is a being that knows light, without needing darkness as a reference point!” There are a great many lightworkers who are very confused on this point. They want to see balance, which is good but because of a lack of understanding they try to balance the dark and the light. This is like saying I want to balance my Christ and Satan natures. This of course is absurd. You want to balance Heaven and Earth, yin and yang, feminine and masculine, mind and feelings, God/Goddess, for sure. However, you do not want to balance fear and love. You do not want to balance negative ego/separativeness/lower self with Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness. You do not want to balance God and negative ego. Hence you do not want to balance light and dark. When I say light and dark I do not mean daytime and nighttime. I am speaking of separative consciousness and oneness consciousness. So I say again, God is a being that knows light without needing darkness as a reference point. So God is light. That is why lightworkers often sign their letters Love and Light. It is also why we use the term, “Light”worker. I have often wondered why we don’t use the term, “Love”worker as well!
Now in the beginning the Light, that is God in the Story of Creation refracted Himself from this One Light into the seven colors of the spectrum, which are the seven great rays of life. This is the Personality of God! So the Personality of God is:
Active Intelligence
New Age Science
Ceremonial Order and Magic
So this is God’s Personality and this is our personality as well. For the Hermetic Law states, “As within, so without. As above, so below!” The Bible also states, that we are made in God’s Image and Likeness.
from Dr.Joshua David Stone www. IAMUniversity.org
..and since we all are his/her sons and daughters it would be wonderful and it is in truth our dharma to be like him/her here on earth like he/she is in the heaven, so be the Light not darkness, be the Love not your fears, so be JOY not sadness my dear friend.
I love you!
You are´wonderful! :)
Aum Shanti! Shalom! Peace!