Volcanoes Today, 2 Feb 2013 - recent updates on world-wide volcanic activity

Rain's picture

Source: Volcano Discovery - 1/02/13


Tremor signal from Etna (INGV)

Tremor signal from Etna (INGV)

Steaming from White Island (Crater floor webcam, GeoNet)

Steaming from White Island (Crater floor webcam, GeoNet)

Map of Nenda Island (Solomon Islands) and the recent quakes along with the location of Tinakula

Map of Nenda Island (Solomon Islands) and the recent quakes along with the location of Tinakula

Map of recent quakes near Iliamna (past 48 hours)

Map of recent quakes near Iliamna (past 48 hours)


Seismic recording from Colima volcano last night (EZV4 station, Univ. Colima)

Seismic recording from Colima volcano last night (EZV4 station, Univ. Colima)

Glow from Popo this morning

Glow from Popo this morning
Current seismic recording from San Cristobal volcano (CRIN station, INETER)
Current seismic recording from San Cristobal volcano (CRIN station, INETER)

Seismogram last night (1) from Cerro Machin (CIMA station, INGEOMINAS)

Seismogram last night (1) from Cerro Machin (CIMA station, INGEOMINAS)

SO2 plume from Nevado del Ruiz (NOAA)

SO2 plume from Nevado del Ruiz (NOAA)

Thermal image of the recent lava flows on Reventador volcano; the active dome continues to feed a flow to the south-east (S. Vallejo, IG-EPN)

Thermal image of the recent lava flows on Reventador volcano; the active dome continues to feed a flow to the south-east (S. Vallejo, IG-EPN)


Seismic signal from Tungurahua last night (RETU station, IG)

Seismic signal from Tungurahua last night (RETU station, IG)

Etna (Sicily, Italy): After a day with ash emissions from New SE crater and occasionally from Bocca Nuova, another eruptive episode with strong strombolian activity occurred over night from Bocca Nuova (? to be confirmed), as the tremor spike shows. This is then the 8th event this year so far.

White Island (New Zealand): Strong steaming from the crater floor is visible, accompanied by again increased tremor with many interspersed earthquakes today.

Tinakula (Santa Cruz Islands, Solomon Islands): (1 Feb) A series of large, relatively shallow (10-50 km) tectonic earthquakes has been occurring in the remote Santa Cruz Islands belonging to the Solomon Islands in the past few days. Since 29 Jan, 13 quakes above magnitude 5 including 3 above magnitude 6 have occurred in clusters in 2 areas. The first (29-30 Jan) and latest (today) cluster of quakes was in an area about 50 km SW of Nata on Nenda Island, the second one (31 Jan) about 50 km ENE of Nenda Island.
The area of the quakes lies at the subduction zone where the Australian oceanic plate dives under the Pacific plate. The subduction process also causes volcanic activity along an arc of island volcanoes. The nearest volcano to the earthquakes is Tinakula, located to the north of Nenda, about 70 km distance from both areas of earthquakes. Tinakula is rarely visited, but one of the most active volcanoes in the world, and often in strombolian activity.

Iliamna (Cook Inlet (SW Alaska)): A swarm of earthquakes has started yesterday near Iliamna volcano. This morning, a 3.7 quake occurred about 30 km to the east, the strongest event in this new pulse of seismic activity so far.
The volcano had just been set back to status level "normal" by AVO almost a month ago, after the seismic unrest in 2012 had gradually declined over the past month. So far, AVO has not changed the alert status again.

Colima (Western Mexico): Small explosions, rockfalls, short pulses of tremor and occasional volcanic earthquakes continue. New lava is slowly accumulating inside the new crater left by the large explosion on Tuesday.
The explosion had destroyed the older lava dome that had been slowly growing within and in places over-topped the summit crater since the late 1990s.

Popocatépetl (Central Mexico): Activity has remained stable. Glow from the summit indicates slow supply of magma to the lava dome. The rate of emissions has climbed a bit to almost 2 per hour average according to the latest CENAPRED report last night.

Santa María / Santiaguito (Guatemala): (1 Feb) The eruption remains relatively weak and mainly effusive, with the slow extrusion of lava flows descending the flanks of the dome and producing small to moderate avalanches.
Ash generated by this process is currently blown mainly towards the south where light ash fall occurs, namely in Lotificación las Marías and areas near San Felipe Reu.

Fuego (Guatemala): (1 Feb) The effusion rate has again increased today. The old lava flow headed towards the Taniluyá canyon gained strength again and increased to 200 m length and a new flow started to flow towards the Ceniza drainage and reached 150 m length this morning.
There were 9 weak explosions during the past 24 hours, generating light gray ash plumes rising up to 400 m and drifting up to 8 km to the west and southwest.

San Cristobal (Nicaragua): Intermittent phases of continuous volcanic tremor have started to appear at the volcano. There are no reports of new activity at the surface.

Machin (Colombia): A period of markedly increased seismic activity occurred over night.

Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia): Strong gas emissions are visible on the latest NOAA SO2 image for the region. Seismic activity has been low, but small volcanic quakes continue to occur.

Reventador (Ecuador): The activity of the volcano remains strong. The new summit lava dome continues to grow and produce explosions and feed active lava flows on the upper flank.
During the afternoon of 31 Jan, an strong emission column of steam and moderate ash content could be observed rising 3.5 km above the crater.
Seismic activity remains at a high level, with a daily average of 20 earthquakes related to fluid pressurization and movement inside the volcano, and a daily average of 29 explosions since 22 January.
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Tungurahua (Ecuador): A steam column rose about 100 m during the afternoon of 31 Jan. Seismic activity remains at moderate levels, with a tendency of a slow increase. During 1 Feb, IG counted 40 long-period and one volcanic-tectonic quake.

Copahue (Chile/Argentina border): Seismic activity has decreased and no new surface activity observed. During the past 24 hours since last night, SERNAGEOMIN only detected one tiny volcanic earthquake.

