California Orders Wal-Mart Warehouse to Pay $1.1 Million in Stolen Wages

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2012thebigpicture February 3, 2013

I found this on the OPPT Facebook page. There’s going to be a lot of great info shared there, so you may want to—do I need to say it— OPPT-In…

Remember the picketing Wal-Mart workers were doing across the nation? Well, it works!  We’re going to see a lot more people standing up for their rights and getting results like this. Letting the Powers that Were know that we’re not going to take it any more is paying off—big time! This is a significant settlement and a real kick in the teeth for the cabal.

As Drake says…it’s time to get off the couch and DO something.

The wage theft ruling is a significant victory for Warehouse Workers United


To read the rest of this story visit 2012thebigpicture
