~Freeing the People of the World: A Declaration of Independence~
President Obama has threatened Syria with military intervention if President Assad does not step down.
As with Libya, leftist activists have been calling this an imperialist campaign.
Heavens, I’m a leftist activist myself, but I’m not following my colleagues on this issue. I feel myself privileged to have access to messages such as those of Matthew Ward, where Matthew says of Libya:
“The second situation of major significance we wish to address is what is happening in the Arab world. In what appears to be freedom contagion, if you will, the peoples who have been long-oppressed by despotic rulers or dynasties are responding to the intensifying light that is illuminating their lives as changeable and is emboldening them to wield ‘people power.’
“Again, this is part of the acceleration that is affecting everything in the universe, and those reactions are keeping pace. There will be much bloodshed before the peoples in all countries are free, but triumph they shall!
“We are aware of the conflicting opinions about the US-led coalition of military forces in Libya. What we see is a glorious U-turn in the attitude of national leaders intervening in the affairs of another country: For the first time in your history, intervention is not for a purely selfish purpose, but a noble one—to assist people who are fighting for their freedom. Without this assistance, many more Libyans would be slaughtered by the dictator whose conscience along with his mental capacity was destroyed long ago.
“The day of dictators is over and so is the day of supporting those dictators for self-serving reasons. The day of exploiting Earth’s resources without regard for environmental destruction is over, as is the day of the wealth of the world in the hands of a few. Everything based in darkness is swiftly coming to an end.
” (1)
Or SaLuSa:
“At present the picture in the Middle East is not pretty, and many souls are so eager to bring peace to their region that they risk their lives. Be assured that they are subconsciously aware that they agreed to do so, and their sacrifice will elevate them into the higher Light. Fortunately it will not be in vain and the dark Ones will be dispelled in one way or another.
“It has been apparent for some time that unrest would escalate and bring about their downfall. Once people power is recognized as able to achieve changes of great magnitude, no government will feel safe. The Light gathers momentum all of the time, and it is going to achieve the goals that people desire. There is therefore every reason to keep relentlessly aiming for total victory, because it will be yours to celebrate.” (2)
Neither of these sources are ones that my former colleagues would probably accept.
Sara Flounders, in her article on Syria, says President Obama’s warning to Syria is:
“… a blatant imperialist interference in Syria’s internal affairs. More than that, it is an open threat to intervene militarily in another country in that region, just as the U.S. and its European allies have done already in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Somalia, with rockets and bombs. It is a threat against the Syrian people of something like the last five months of slaughter of the Libyan people.” (3)
Sorry, Sara, not going with you on this one. Or Michel Chossudovsky, or David Icke, or Paul Joseph Watson.
Yes to Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia; no to Libya and Syria. The problem for me lies in when the military turns its hat around. The Bush cabal was responsible for Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia. But the Arab Spring is different and the reasons for NATO intervening are also different, if Matthew and SaLuSa are to be believed. And I do believe them.
Like so much in this time of transformation, we’re called upon to change step at a certain point. Once the white hats have taken over the Pentagon and use its might and suasion to topple dictatorships, I too need to change step. To simply keep going on the same course because the names remain the same (Pentagon, NATO, etc.) is not to recognize that a different course is being charted.
The people who charge NATO with imperialism in Libya often are not aware of the shift that is coming in 2011/2012. They certainly don’t share my respect for the opinions of SaLuSa, Matthew, Wanderer and the Arcturian Group. But without knowing what the larger plan is and where support for Libyans and Syrians comes from, how would they trust what is happening right now?
But I know that larger plan and where it’s taking us. The actions against Gaddafi and Assad are not just more imperialism. They are part of the overall movement that will see despotism disappear from the Earth within, I’d say, less than a year.
So goodbye to my old comrades. Be well and carry on. But I’m not going with you. We shared many good times and will do so again.
Once the men and women upstairs make their presence known, we’ll undoubtedly reconvene. But for now I need sharper tools and finer distinctions than “imperialism” and “militarism.” It’s time to free the people of the world and, if western powers will aid in that effort, although it will earn me no kudos from you to say so, I accept their help.
(1) Matthew’s Message, March 25, 2011, at http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm
(2) SaLuSa, Feb. 28, 2011, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm
(3) Sara Flounders, “Syria: Obama Threatens U.S. Military Intervention,” Global Research, Aug. 19, 2011, at http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=26066