Paradigm Research Group
World Disclosure Day ~July 8
WDD currently has 4440 endorsements. PRG estimates it will take around 100,000 endorsements to attract the desired attention from the political media. The most represented nation is the United States and the second most represented nation is the People's Republic of China. A new international promotional effort will begin soon to build public awareness, increase the number of endorsements and obtain endorsements of note. This effort will be bundled with The Disclosure Petition.
The Disclosure Petition
The Obama administration will soon launch a people's petition initiative on the White House website. Petitions on any subject may be submitted. At this time it would appear international signatures will be permitted. Petitions with at least 5000 signatures will be reviewed by White House staff for possible dissemination and consideration within the administration.
As soon as the White House We the People Petitions initiative is open, PRG will immediately submit The Disclosure Petition. It will be written as follows:
- "We, the undersigned, strongly urge the President of the United States to formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and immediately release into the public domain all files from all agencies and military services relevant to this phenomenon."
Between now and when the We the People Petitions goes live, PRG will pre-promote The Disclosure Petition in order to ensure it receives a large number of signatures as quickly as possible.
Not too long ago some teenagers in Siberia, Russia created a video of a dead alien in the snow. It was a hoax. The alien was made out of bread. At present a one minute and 25 second video about this "find" has had 10.5 million views on YouTube. www.youtube.com/watch?v=
That is called "going viral." Another video about the "pending release" of a film about a "living alien" has achieved 36.5 million views. That is called "going mega-viral."
The three keys to successful political advocacy are focus, focus and focus. Soon thousands of petitions are going to be submitted to the White House website. There will likely be dozens of petitions dealing with UFO/ET/Disclosure issues. Many will be redundant. Some will be ridiculous. Many petitions with a small number of signatures equals small impact. A few petitions with a large number of signatures equals large impact.
The World Disclosure Day endorsements and the The Disclosure Petition signatures offer a timely opportunity to make a strong statement. Hundreds of millions of people around the world know their governments are not telling the truth in this matter. If millions can view YouTube videos of hoaxes, surely millions can take about the same amount of time and sign a petition calling for Disclosure of the real thing.
World Disclosure Day and The Disclosure Petition represent basic, concise concepts that are unambiguous. There is little room for debate. If one does not think there is an extraterrestrial presence, one would certainly not sign either. If one does believe there is an extraterrestrial presence, it would seem appropriate to sign both.
"Going viral" is a modern phenomenon with the potential to effect political and social change. It is completely in the hands of the people. No government involvement or permission is needed. If you would like to see The Disclosure Petition go viral or even mega-viral, you have the power to make it so.
Contact 3D: The Disclosure Concert - September 25 - LA
There will be a fund raising concert for Disclosure at the annual Los Angeles 3D Film/Music Festival produced by the Dream Factory. Ten to twenty thousand people are expected to attend this year's event.
PRG Upcoming Speaking Schedule
Conscious Life Expo - Los Angeles, CA - Sept 30 - Oct 2
Pythagoras Conference - Louisville, KY - Dec 16-18
Other Upcoming Conferences
Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814
PRG@paradigmresearchgroup.org 202-215-8344