First Contact Information of High Velocity Light=True Information
The Silent, and Now Visible, Revealed, Evolution, The Liberation of Humanity!
“Today is D~Day, Decision Day, Which path have you chosen? There is a choice to be made now, of 2 different paths, One Path is the Light and one is the darkness. The choice is all Up to YOU, only one may be walked!”
“If you want to Speak the Truth, You Must Be the Truth."
Love from the Galactic Federation of Light, The Kingdom~Company of Heaven, From Galactic Central, the Real Navel of the Planet Earth. WE are Your Family of Light, Masters of Light, The Elohim, Your Family from the Stars, The First Contact Ground Crew, Medical Team, Your Earth Allies Representing The Love and Truth on Planet Earth=Heart, and WE are Here to Welcome you Home into the Light. Also Present in the Physical Manifest with you, IS your Parents of Creation, Mother and Father God, Yes it is Really US. WE have Missed our Royal Angels, for over 13 Millenia of Moments. This is Now over, we shall Never Miss you again, as for those That Have Chosen the Light, will never again experience duality. Welcome Home into The Light, The Kingdom of Heaven. Your True Home, May you receive the Gifts Love is Offering, in which Love Gives Everything. WE are Here, The Light, and Mother Earth Sighs a RELIEF!! The Light is Going HOME!
“The Attributes of a Real Light Being of Love and Truth on Planet Earth=Heart, which is the Army of Light, The Warriors. Persevering, Fearless, Persistent, Strong, Courageous and Brave, Consistent, can overcome all obstacles, never gives up, and never Gives in. Ruthless Compassion, has Completely stepped out of the game of illusion. Always tells the Truth No matter What. Recognizes that they Are ONE, with ALL that IS, open, vulnerable, and Available. Speaks only the Highest Truths, Has Stepped into their Light, which is their Power, and can Overcome all adversity.”
“Standing in the Light, you find Oneness, and a Universe Overflowing in a vast abundance. It's not Abundance of having things or “stuff”, it's the Non-attachment to things and stuff, that is Your True Freedom. Because as long as you are attached to “stuff”, you are under the control of the “dark” ones.”
“You have been taught to forget, who you Really are, Today is the Day to Remember”.
“You can follow a snake, or Fly Freely with the Eagles. WE of the Light are ALL Eagles, and WE have Wings, Because WE are Royal Angels”.
Greetings Many Blessings, Miracles, and Many Magical Synchronostic Events. Today is a Very Important day as Your decisions have to Be made Now, as One Path Must Move Up and Forward, and the other one, well, you can say backwards. We were going to go into further detail about Energy today, however, due to our Most Recent Meeting upon the Ships, we must Share the Exact Event, that the Hopis were Preparing you for. This is the event where each of you are at the “fork in the road”. Today marks that Day, as we have stated this is why we receive information on a need to know basis, and this information today is what We have received. This is D-Day, a decision day, on which path in the fork in the road you are choosing, one path Guides you Home into the Light, and the other path takes you nowhere, which is nothing, also referred to as the black hole. In this message we will go into further detail about today's event. For those of you Choosing the Light, Your Divine Inheritance is being Given to You. We cannot make the choice for you, all we can do is Provide the Exact Highest Truths, so that you are informed to choose your path and destination. WE have Clearly chosen our Path of the Light, What is Yours?
“You cannot trust ignorance, the dark, but You can Always Trust Love, which is the Light.”
So let's Move on to the Definitions for today....
Teach~ To advocate, to preach, to give instruction on a skill. Example- Those who can, Accomplish, those who cannot Accomplish, Teach. Egos teach, the Light shows the Way.
Example~ One who is a Representative for the Whole, serves as an illustration to provide a model. Example~ WE, Your Family of Light are Examples of Love and Truth, while the dark are examples of illusion and trickery.
Show~ To Allow to be seen or viewed, to display, to open, make visible, make known, available, to point out, to manifest, to reveal, to indicate, to grant, to become evident. Example- WE are not here to teach you anything, WE are here to help you remember, and to Show you the True Information of Truth and Light. WE are Open and Available to ALL of Humanity.
Secrets~ Concealed from general knowledge, kept hidden from view, operating in confidentiality, something kept hidden from others, secrecy, CLOSED. Example~ The difference between the dark and the LIGHT is that the dark does not want people to investigate it, which might expose its secrets, while the Light is Open and Says “Here I AM”. The Light has no secrets, for In Love what is there to hide?
Information~ The act of informing, communicating knowledge, knowledge which provides understanding and comes from Experience, A service. Example~ Our Responsibility to ALL of You, is to Provide the Absolute Highest Information, so that You are informed and can make Informed Decisions, such as Which Path you would like to experience.
Path~ A trodden, track or way, the route or course along which something moves, a course of Action or Conduct, a Way. Example~ Right Now, this Day, you have 2 paths to choose from. One is the Light, and one is the dark. This is what the Hopis were referring too, as the fork in the road.
Cornucopia~ An Overflowing store of Abundance, Overflowing.. Example~ Source, Love, Creation is an Cornucopia of Abundance . Love is Your Divine inheritance.
Inform~ to disclose information. Example~ We are here to inform you of The Highest Truths Occurring on Planet Earth=Heart.
Messenger~ An Angel, A bearer of News, A forerunner, a Harbinger. Example-~We, Your Family of Light, Are your Messengers Here on Planet Earth. We are Your Messengers of Light and Love.
“ A spiritual ego is just an ego all dressed up, like an old car with a new coat of paint.”
“ The “dark” are your friends as long as it benefits them.”
“ Light does not fight with the darkness, it's a waste of energy, the dark fight amongst the dark for the lust of power over.”
“Choosing the Path to the Light, lifts you out of duality, the other one takes you directly to the black hole.”
You and Humanity are in an event that the Hopis Shared with you in their Prophecies. It is the Fork in the Road, where you must choose a path. Today, we are going to discuss each path, so that you are well informed. In some of our previous messages we have shared information about a particular group, we will call “the force”, which is currently leading the path of the darkness, while we are walking the Path of Light. This is the Reality on Planet Earth at this Time, for each being it is D-Day. The Hopis shared with you there was to be a time when everyone would come to a fork in the road, and a choice will have to be made. One has you follow them towards darkness, while the other one is the Path to the Light, where the Light is your Guide. In the Kingdom of Heaven there are no followers, just Co-Creators, and Co-Workers, with ALL BEING EQUAL. One path is asking you to “follow them”, while the other path just gives you the information of Truth to Lift yourselves UP. These 2 choices are clearly a representation of your Freewill.
“ All the Great Masters that have walked this Earth, Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi, Mohammad, amongst others, came in sharing the Truth about Oneness and Love, The Love Being Everywhere Present. The darkness then proceeded to persecute them, and then isolate and separate them into religions. In Truth we are ALL One Family of Love and Light, in the Grace of Unconditional Love, SO Be Love and Say Love.”
WE are One, Dan Seals
“We Highly Recommend stepping into your True Light and Letting it shine, no more Hiding behind the bushes.”
Spirutual egos, are the Greatest illusionists, liars, and pretenders currently on the Planet. They are the most dangerous, because they can look and pretend to be just like the Light, even through the information they share. We have reviewed their information and it is very vague, although it dresses itself up pretty well, especially for others who have not let go of all attachments, and this information is like their food. “, spirutal egos” use what we call, slight of hand tricks. They can look just like True Light and Love Beings, the difference however, can Truly be seen because those of the True Light will investigate what is the Highest TRUTH, and the Highest Truth always Serves for the Greater Good of the ALL. The Light is always willing to learn and the darkness is not. The job of the dark is to gather all the dark together, so they attract those with spiritual egos. They are representing the path of the dark for you, for those that would like to choose this path, and have this experience. One path leads you nowhere, while the Other path of Truth Guides you to Everything, which is the Kingdom Of Heaven, The True Garden of Eden.
“ The darkness offers you nothing, while the Light offers you Everything.”
The darkness looks for unconsciousness in a being then “implants” an interwoven fantasy into the being, so that it has somewhere to feed off of. It entices the ego, which the ego is an illusion, and in order for the ego or illusion to survive it requires “food”[ unconsciousness], and this is done at the cost of the Real Being inside. The Light just goes into unconsciousness and says “HELLO, WAKE UP”.
Song Everybody Wake Up - Dave Matthews Band
“When you can get to the understanding that you are an indestructible Pure Consciousness Energy, and that You are Greater, Grander, than any dream, fantasy or lie, played out in illusion, You will Understand your Truth Path Home into the Light. The Light Always has the Higher Ground. Allow darkness to go where darkness goes. Now, This Day, WE The Family of Light would like to say a Moment of farewell to the dark... We Hope you have fun, and best wishes, WE of the Light are going Home...” -Mother and Father God
“Choosing the Light is a constant Moment to Moment Choice. While ignorance is a constant choice of making no choice. We also call these fence sitters, they are like vultures, they sit on the fence, and wait to see which side wins, then attempt to jump onto that side. While walking the path of Light, you cannot sit on the fence, because eventually you just fall off, backwards. Ref. Humpty Dumpty.” -Mother and Father God
John Mayer ~ Vultures
“The darkness has no clue about the “Divine Plan” because it has its own plan, and thinks that its plan is the only one that exists. We say OOPPS!! Light=ONE=WON, ignorance=0=nothing. Darkness wants control over Creation, all the While Creation is an uncontrollable, inevitable Event.”
“If people were to listen to us right now, we could turn around your Economy in 6 months, and everyone would be Overly Abundant. We understand clearly zero point, and getting to zero point is Like LIFT OFF to ONE=Everything.”
The only banker we know that is an Honest Banker, is St. Germain and He Invested Heavily in the Kingdom of Heaven. As Decreed, and Now Granted... Allow the Divine Abundance to Now Flow, to those of the Light, So Be Love and Say Love. You are to receive your Divine Inheritance, and only those of the Light, receive the Divine Inheritance. And So it is on Earth, as it is in Heaven, So it is Decreed and Granted.
Event~ Today is Your D~Day, Your decision to which Path you are going to choose. Just keep in Heart, one path Gives you everything and the other a path that gives you nothing. Listen to Your Hearts, where Love is always there.
End Transmission IN All Love Is!
Love The Earth Allies
I LOVE YOU. My sincere gratitude to all. It is always a pleasure to receive these messages. Thank you. "I CHOOSE THE PATH OF LIGHT". To go home. I appreciate and thank you for giving me the opportunity to experience Duality but it is time to come home. I have awaken to TRUTH AND TRUTH IS THE LIGHT!