by Jason Volentine at
Posted on February 20, 2013 at 9:54 PMUpdated Wednesday, Feb 20 at 10:00 PM
PHOENIX -- Winter storms swept into Phoenix on Wednesday and made people wonder whether this is the Valley of the Sun or the Valley of the Snow.
While much of the Valley saw rain throughout the day, central Phoenix was inundated with a sudden blast of icy, wintry, snowy precipitation that started falling right around 2 p.m.
The wintry mix fell for 30 or 40 minutes but left a white blanket that baffled drivers, curious kids and long time Valley residents for the better part of two hours.
Technically weather experts refer to the slushy precipitation that fell in Phoenix as "graupel" -- heavily rimed snow particles often called snow pellets; often indistinguishable from very small, soft hail.
But to the layperson, it was snow.
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