Household chemicals cause cancer, birth defects, wide range of health issues, WHO study admits

MomT's picture

The Watchers By Adonai – Posted on February 27, 2013

A new landmark study by the World Health Organization says a host of common, everyday household chemicals pose severe health problems including cancer, asthma, reduced fertility and even birth defects. According to the study, WHO identified a number of “synthetic chemicals” which the UN agency said had “serious implications” for health, even going so far as to suggest that so-called “gender-bending” compounds found in PVC flooring, kids’ toys and even credit cards should be banned in order to protect future generations, recent reports detailing the findings said. The study said more research was likely needed to flesh out the links between endocrine...

Posted on February 27, 2013

A new landmark study by the World Health Organization says a host of common, everyday household chemicals pose severe health problems including cancer, asthma, reduced fertility and even birth defects.

According to the study, WHO identified a number of “synthetic chemicals” which the UN agency said had “serious implications” for health, even going so far as to suggest that so-called “gender-bending” compounds found in PVC flooring, kids’ toys and even credit cards should be banned in order to protect future generations, recent reports detailing the findings said.

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Here's the thing about this

DeSwiss2's picture

Here's the thing about this story for me: We often hear and read stories about what a great thing science is or has recently done. About those wonderful cures and miraculous break-throughs which will allow for an end to human suffering and pain. That's the good part.

The other part of science today is what this story is all about. The part where science introduces (unleashes) countless chemicals and poisons into our lives (90,400 by the FDA in the US at last count).  Which in-turn ends up causing even more pain and suffering than there was before such ''progress'' entered into our lives -- often ending in our early, disabling deaths.

You don't hear science beating its chest about that part of what it does.

Most of us realize that the capitalist economic system is at the center of this. The underlying motive of profit and greed forces science to be beholden to those with the resources to pursue endeavors that may prove fruitless. And so the profit-seeking corporations weigh their cost-benefit analyses with us at the low end of the scale.  The result is water we can't drink, and air we cannot breathe and greasy sugar-laden food that lacks any nutritive value.

Ultimately we cannot abide such destructive forces in our lives in the New Earth. And so all science must -- in the end -- adhere to the ethical principles of Hippocrates: